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Re: Re: Re: Re: Encoding/compress CGI GET parameters

by snellm (Monk)
on Jan 17, 2001 at 19:35 UTC ( [id://52529]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: Re: Encoding/compress CGI GET parameters
in thread Encoding/compress CGI GET parameters

Caillte, +bArea=12345

would be a fairly genernal example.


-- Michael Snell

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Re: {4} Encoding/compress CGI GET parameters
by jeroenes (Priest) on Jan 17, 2001 at 21:36 UTC
    Hi snellm,

    I think this is fun. What you actually need to do, is to represent your data into just the bits that you need, and hack these bits into 8-bits chunks (aka bytes), and transform these bytes into usable characters. This sounds like UUencoding. However, UUencoding uses too many characters.

    CPAN sayz: Convert:UU
    I would suggest that you take that module, and remorph it a little bit to use only a range of usable characters. Wait, I'm doing a perl -MCPAN -e shell, install Convert::UU.

    Hmm.. I see this package just uses pack("u",$string) internally. Well, the search continues. It is obvious that I haven't used pack before!

    Let's play a little bit. Maybe you want 16 different modes, and 2 16 bit integers for your Area cq Subarea. That adds up to 36 bits (2**4=16). If we use A..Za..z0..9 *and* '%', '-' we have 64 possibilities, or 6 bit. Than we can cram everything in 6 characters.

    The encoder must pack the stuff:

    sub encode{ my $mode = shift; my $area = shift; my $subarea = shift; my $str; my $bitstr=unpack("b4",pack("v",$mode)). unpack("b16",pack("v",$area)). unpack("b16",pack("v",$subarea)); for (0..5){ my $val=unpack('c',pack('b6',substr($bitstr,$_*6,6))); if ($val<10){ $str.=pack('c',$val+48); }elsif ($val<36){ $str.=pack('c',$val+65-10); }elsif ($val<62){ $str.=pack('c',$val+97-36); }elsif ($val == 63){ $str.=pack('c',37); }elsif ($val == 64){ $str.=pack('c',45); } } $str; } sub decode{ my $str = shift; my $bitstr; for (split //, $str){ my $item = unpack('c', $_); for ($item){ $val = 64, last if $item == 45; $val = 63, last if $item == 37; $val = $item-97+36, last if $item >= 97; $val = $item-65+10, last if $item >= 65; $val = $item-48, last if $item >= 48; } $bitstr .= unpack("b6",pack("v",$val)); } $mode = unpack('c',pack('b4',substr( $bitstr,0,4))); $area = unpack('v',pack('b16',substr( $bitstr,4,16))); $subarea = unpack('v',pack('b16',substr( $bitstr,20,16))); ($mode, $area, $subarea); } $encoded=encode(15,13,13); $decoded=join ', ', decode( $encoded ); print "Encoded: $encoded\nDecoded array: $decoded\n";
    Some reverse coding for the decoder, but I'm too lazy for that. Is this what you want to do?

    Disclaimer: This is my first use of pack, so I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing, let alone the efficient thing. Please correct me!


    "We are not alone"(FZ)

    Update: Made the decode sub as well. Tested it. Discovered some differences between running at linux and at mac at home, so used 'v' for packing stuff.

    Now I've moved this code into a module, for generalized use. You can find it here.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Encoding/compress CGI GET parameters
by Caillte (Friar) on Jan 18, 2001 at 15:11 UTC

    And in the program:

    use Env qw(QUERY_STRING); (my ($mode, $area, $b_area ) = split 'x', $QUERY_STRING; $mode = 'view' if($mode eq 'v');

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