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Using Perl and the GIMP to compare imagesby sailortailorson (Scribe) |
on Feb 03, 2006 at 18:17 UTC ( [id://527759]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
sailortailorson has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: O holy monks, First, let me say that I am looking for an excuse to use the GIMP and Perl together. I think I may have a work-oriented excuse to do so now (allowing me to be remunerated for my self-enlightenment), but have not been able to find anything about my specific application in several searches, including Grokking the Gimp. Here is what I want to do: I have used commercial testing software that allows one to compare current screenshots to an archived sample, typically with some kind of XOR to show differences between the archived sample and the current screenshot. I need to do just such a thing now to check progress on a web page, where the progress bar is a flash animation. It contains both text and graphic elements telling percentage complete. I cannot scrape the text, so I would like to compare the text and graphics to a screenshot. I don't need a very specific answer, but a pointer in the general direction, say, to particular CPAN library or repository, or some webpage would be great. I would take it from there and post what I find out.
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