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Alternative ways to fully qualify subroutine names

by bobf (Monsignor)
on Feb 04, 2006 at 20:21 UTC ( [id://527987]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

bobf has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Is there a way to fully qualify a subroutine with the package name in a variable but without using eval?

This is possible with OO programming, where a long class name can be replaced with a variable:

my $class = 'Very::Long::Class::Name'; $class->method;

I want to do a similar thing for non-OO subroutines, so I can add clarity to the program by fully qualifying the sub name but still keep the call to a manageable length (and without sprinkling eval everywhere). Doing this:

my $pkg = 'Very::Long::Package::Name'; $pkg::sub;
obviously doesn't work, since $pkg::sub refers to the global variable $sub in the pkg namespace.

I've considered the following options (example code below):

  • Fully qualify the sub call, forget about the variable
    This is the standard, I guess.
  • Call the sub as a method (even though it isn't one)
    This seems like a Bad Idea. Also, the contents of @_ will change depending on whether it is called as a sub or as a method (in which case the class name will be the first parameter).
  • Assemble the call into a string, then use eval
    Eww. This may achieve the primary goal, but it really clutters things up.
  • Create a reference to the sub itself (not the package)
    I don't mind doing it this way, but it requires a separate ref for every sub from the same package. I'd rather create a ref (or something) to the package so I only have one variable, then append the appropriate sub name as required.
  • Import the subs into the caller's namespace, forget about fully qualifying it
    This is how I'm doing it now, but the more subs I import the harder it becomes to keep track of where they are all from (hence the desire to use fully qualified names).

use strict; use warnings; { package very::long::packagename; sub foo { print '[', join( '][', @_ ), "]\n"; return "from sub foo\n"; } } { package pkg; our $foo = "foovar\n"; } { package bar; # this refers to $foo in package 'pkg' print $pkg::foo; # foovar # fully qualified sub call very::long::packagename::foo( 'param' ); # [param] # create a ref to a fully qualified sub my $subfoo_ref = \&very::long::packagename::foo; print $subfoo_ref->( 'param' ); # from sub foo $subfoo_ref->( 'param' ); # [param] # call the sub as a method my $pkg = 'very::long::packagename'; $pkg->foo( 'param' ); # [very::long::packagename][param] # stringify the call, use eval my $func_str = $pkg . "::foo( 'param' );"; eval $func_str; # [param] }

Are there other ways of doing this that are not listed above? Comments regarding best practices are also appreciated.


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Alternative ways to fully qualify subroutine names
by idsfa (Vicar) on Feb 04, 2006 at 20:56 UTC

    Package::Alias, perhaps?

    use Package::Alias shortname => 'very::long::packagename';

    Under the hood, this module is just using typeglobs to alias the namespaces together.

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Re: Alternative ways to fully qualify subroutine names
by ikegami (Patriarch) on Feb 04, 2006 at 20:34 UTC
    the more subs I import the harder it becomes to keep track of where they are all from

    You could import the sub to a different name:

    *vlp_func = \&Very::Long::Package::func;

    Update: The following is a means of doing the above with a large number of functions:

    use warnings; use strict; sub import_func { my ($src_name, $dst_name) = @_; if (not defined $dst_name) { $dst_name = (split(/::/, $src_name))[-1]; } if (index($dst_name, '::') < 0) { $dst_name = caller() . '::' . $dst_name; } my $src_func_ref = do { no strict 'refs'; \&$src_name }; my $dst_glob_ref = do { no strict 'refs'; \*$dst_name }; *$dst_glob_ref = $src_func_ref; } sub Foo::Bar::func { print("Hello World!\n"); } import_func('Foo::Bar::func', 'fb_func'); fb_func(); # Calls Foo::Bar::func

    To import multiple functions at once, you can use

    import_func("Foo::Bar::$_", "fb_$_") foreach qw( func moo bla );
Re: Alternative ways to fully qualify subroutine names
by Tanktalus (Canon) on Feb 04, 2006 at 20:59 UTC
    my $sub = $pkg->can('foo'); $sub->('param'); # or simply ... $pkg->can('foo')->('param');

    Is this a good idea? Probably not. I'd have to wonder why you want to do this first.

Re: Alternative ways to fully qualify subroutine names
by dakkar (Hermit) on Feb 05, 2006 at 14:26 UTC

    Apart from using can (which is a great way), you can also do:

    package A; sub b { print "called A::b\n"; } package main; my $pack='A'; { no strict 'refs'; &{"${pack}::b"}(); }

    That is, creating a soft-ref to the sub on-the-fly.

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