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CGI - How to use upload_hook and query the query string ?by roadrunner (Acolyte) |
on Feb 07, 2006 at 17:57 UTC ( [id://528578]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
roadrunner has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: Hi, More upload-related questioning - I'm using the CGI::upload_hook functionality and would like to get a parameter value passed in via POST *before* calling the upload hook to process files. i.e. Something like this:
Now according to the CGI docs this doesn't look possible: "If using the function-oriented interface, call the CGI::upload_hook() method before calling param() or any other CGI functions: CGI::upload_hook(\&hook,$data);" ...and indeed my exprience bears this out - If I try and query any params before calling the upload hook I get missing data in the hook. Does anyone know of a way round this - i.e. querying parameter values before calling an upload hook ? Thanks,
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