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i need help in translating the language

by uva (Sexton)
on Feb 15, 2006 at 14:36 UTC ( [id://530388]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

uva has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

dear monks, i have doubt in the following code,
use Unicode::Indic::Telugu; use strict; my $lang = Unicode::Indic::Telugu->new () or print "noti "; my $text = "Sriiraama jayaraama jaya jaya raama"; my $out = $lang-> translate($text) or print "not "; print $out;
if i execute that program,it is not printing the actual language, it is printing as
Wide character in print at line 7 Ó░ÂÓ▒ìÓ░░Ó▒ÇÓ░░Ó░¥Ó&#9 +617;« Ó░£Ó░»Ó░░Ó░¥Ó░« Ó░£Ó& +#9617;» Ó░£Ó░» Ó░░Ó░¥Ó░«ok 3
what it is printing , where is my actual words??

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: i need help in translating the language
by Anonymous Monk on Feb 15, 2006 at 15:25 UTC

    You need to mark your output filehandle for unicode. Since you're printing to standard out, binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; does the trick.

    You need to have some Indic fonts, else you just see replacement characters, for example boxes or question marks. sudo apt-get install indic-fonts

    This is what I see. screenshot on

    Next time on perlmonks, mind that we're an international community and as such speak standard English here. -> "Question" vs "Doubt"

Re: i need help in translating the language
by radiantmatrix (Parson) on Feb 15, 2006 at 15:32 UTC

    The output you are seeing is indicative of printing Unicode data to a terminal that doesn't support Unicode (or hasn't been told to expect it). Try printing to a file handle opened with the utf-8 encoding and then read it with a Unicode-aware editor.

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      how to open a file handle with the utf-8 encoding.
        perldoc -f open

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