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installation of Lingua::ZH::HanDetect

by uva (Sexton)
on Mar 16, 2006 at 13:52 UTC ( [id://537137]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

uva has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

i ran the for that module. It ran properly. But it is properly created in c:\\perl\\lib . what shall i do? do i need to create the folder "Lingua\ZH" manullaly in c:\\perl\\lib directory??

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Re: installation of Lingua::ZH::HanDetect
by Anonymous Monk on Mar 16, 2006 at 15:27 UTC

    Dear uva, you try so hard to solve your problem of reading filenames with unicode characters in Windows, but I'm convinced this module here is going to be a "red herring" for you. I take pity you.

    However, since you are here for over a month now, you should already know how to find your way around the Perlmonks website. Do go to and read Writing, Installing, and Using Perl Modules in the Tutorial section, especially A guide to installing modules for Win32.

    But, if there's no way to install Lingua::ZH::HanDetect via PPM, consider ditching your Perl distribution in favour of CamelPack, which comes with a real working make, C compiler and CPAN, and is able to install quite a lot modules which lesser distributions cannot.

    c:\> cpan cpan> install Lingua::ZH::HanDetect ........... cpan> quit c:\> perl -MLingua::ZH::HanDetect -e"1"

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