Hello Monks,
I'm sorry as this must be a very basic problem :|
The form i open has multiple buttons, the html source looks like this :
<FORM class="form_fonce" ACTION="/app-html/general/action.htm" NAME="f
+orm_machine" TARGET="indic_machine"
OnSubmit="return saisie_indic(document.form_machine.machine.value);">
Votre recherche :
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="machine" SIZE="8" VALUE=""
OnChange="return saisie_machine(document.form_machine.machine.value);"
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="Filtre_machine" VALUE="*">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="Filtre_Os" VALUE="*">
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="assistance" VALUE="Assist
+ance ..."
OnClick="return saisie_assistance();">
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="IwantThisOne" VALUE="Iwant
OnClick="return saisie_IwantThisOne(document.form_machine.machine.valu
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="foobarbaz" VALUE="Foobarb
OnClick="return saisie_foobar(document.form_machine.machine.value);">
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="info" VALUE="Info"
OnClick="return saisie_infos(document.form_machine.machine.value);">
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="decl" VALUE="Coll"
OnClick="return coll(document.form_machine.machine.value); ">
Here's what i try to do :
my $url = 'http:/app/correct/path/form_machine.htm' ;
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
$mech->get( $url ) ;
my $machine = 'SYSID' ;
$mech->form_name('form_machine') ;
$mech->field( 'machine', $machine ) ;
$mech -> click('IwantThisOne') ;
And it fails with
No clickable input with name IwantThisOne
There is no typo in the name i use in real life. I tried with click_button and got the same error .
What is wrong ? Is it a problem with the OnClick stuff ?
Thanks if you can shed some light on this ...