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help needed in unicode files

by uva (Sexton)
on Mar 28, 2006 at 15:47 UTC ( [id://539726]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

uva has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

dear monks,
whenever i opened the utf8 encoded files, I manually skipped the BOM .
Similarly if I write some utf8 files, I used to write BOM manually in that file.
Is there way to do that automatically?
i used the following code to open the utf8 encoded files which is not skipping the BOM if i read from the file handle,
open FH,"<:utf8",$filename; print <FH> ; close FH; __DATA__ the above code printing the BOM along with the text inside the file.
UPDATE : I tried the following code again , but the same problem
open FH,"<:encoding(utf8)",$filename; print <FH> ; close FH; __DATA__ this code also printing the BOM along with the text inside the file.
Can anyone explain in detail whats wrong with the code and whats happening in that code??

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Re: help needed in unicode files
by idsfa (Vicar) on Mar 28, 2006 at 15:57 UTC

    Yes. File::BOM will do this for you. Not that you should be writing a BOM for UTF-8 (kind of difficult to get confused about the byte order on one byte wide characters), but I expect you are dealing with (broken) MicroSoft apps.

    Updated: You should really read the documentation. There are several examples in it of how to do what you appear to be asking for. Here's one:

    # Read open(HANDLE, '<:via(File::BOM)', $filename) # Write open(HANDLE, '>:encoding(UTF-8):via(File::BOM)', $filename)

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      While there's only one byte order for utf8 (unlike utf16), the BOM might still make sense to easily distinguish utf8 from other encodings.

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