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Re: .vimrc for perl programmers

by tinita (Parson)
on Mar 30, 2006 at 14:24 UTC ( [id://540175]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to .vimrc for perl programmers

  • :imap dumper <ESC>^iwarn Data::Dumper->Dump([\<ESC>llyw$a], ['<ESC>pa']);<ESC>
    lets you type '@myarraydumper' and you'll get 'warn Data::Dumper->Dump([\@myarray], ['myarray']);
  • map ß O#!/usr/local/bin/perl<CR><ESC>iuse strict;<CR><ESC>iuse warnings;<CR>
  • (un)comment: (update: this also works in visual mode. just select the block and type §1)
    map §1 :s/^/# /<CR> map §2 :s/^# //<CR>

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Re^2: .vimrc for perl programmers
by demerphq (Chancellor) on Mar 30, 2006 at 17:58 UTC

    Youll get more accurate results on self referential structures by using

    warn Data::Dumper->Dump(sub{\@_}->(\@myarray), ['myarray'])

    it doesnt make that much difference when the example is an array, but when its a scalar it does make a lot of difference.

    Alternatively install Data::Dump::Streamer and get prettier, easier to read and more accurate dumps outright.

    Yes, this is a shameless plug. :-)


      can you provide an example where this (undocumented?) syntax makes a difference?

        Looks like its been superficially improved so there is no difference anymore, which is good. But the output is still wrong, which is bad. For $x=\$y; $y=\$x; the raw call to Data::Dumper->Dump([$x,$y]) used to produce:

        $VAR1 = [ \\$VAR1->[0], ${$VAR1->[0]} ];

        But now it produces what Data::Dumper::Dumper (and what the sub{\@_} trick does) produce:

        $VAR1 = \\$VAR1; $VAR2 = ${$VAR1};

        Wheras Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump produces the correct output:

        $REF1 = \$REF2; $REF2 = \$REF1;

        Hope that explains things.


Re^2: .vimrc for perl programmers
by cees (Curate) on Mar 30, 2006 at 21:53 UTC

    For commenting and uncommenting code (in perl and many other languages) have a look at the BlockComment plugin.

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