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Re^2: Eval Squared

by truedfx (Monk)
on Apr 06, 2006 at 09:27 UTC ( [id://541606]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Eval Squared
in thread Eval Squared

syntax error at - line 1, near ";>"
- had compilation errors.

That's odd. What I get is:

sed s/eval/print/ | perl | perl -MO=Deparse open $:, shift @ARGV; $/ = undef; $_ = <$:>; tr/+-.<>[]//cd; s/(.)/$1 /g; s[((?:<\s) {2,})]['$b-=' . length($1) / 2 . ';';]egx; s[((?:>\s) {2,})]['$b+=' . length($1) / 2 . ';';]egx; s[((?:\+\s){2,})]['$a[$b]+=' . length($1) / 2 . ';';]eg; s[((?:\-\s){2,})]['$a[$b]-=' . length($1) / 2 . ';';]eg; s/>\s /\$b++;/gx; s/<\s /\$b--;/gx; s/([+-])\s/\$a[\$b]$1$1;\n/g; s/\.\s/print chr(\$a[\$b]);/g; s/,\s /\$a[\$b]=ord(substr(<>,0,1));/gx; s/\[\s/while(\$a[\$b]){/g; s/(?<=\s)\]\s/}/g; eval $_;

This looks like a simple Brainfuck interpreter. Which makes me think one mistake is s/(?<=\s)\]\s/}/g; -- the (?<=\s) should be dropped. I first thought tr/+-.<>[]//cd; was bad too, but that I misread; +-. of course means "everything from + to .", which in ASCII means "+ , - .".

Update: The behaviour for , doesn't look right either. That should probably be done with something like

$/ = undef; $_ = <$:>; $/ = \1; [...] s/,\s /\$a[\$b]=ord(<>);/gx; [...]

The current behaviour is not, strictly speaking, a bug. You can enter complete strings by entering the EOF marker (^D or ^Z) after each character. It is needlessly complicated though.

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Re^3: Eval Squared
by ruoso (Curate) on Apr 10, 2006 at 22:39 UTC

    As the original code is changing char-by-char the character for it's chr(ord - 1)... It actually only works when the user has the same character encoding of the OP...

    It seems that the line you deparsed as


    Came to me just as


    I'll try to get more about it...


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