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Re^2: help needed in File::Bom

by uva (Sexton)
on Apr 11, 2006 at 15:54 UTC ( [id://542578]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: help needed in File::Bom
in thread help needed in File::Bom

thanks for everyone replied me..
Thaats working fine . but i couldnot find the no of bytes occupied by the BOM.any one help me in that.

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Re^3: help needed in File::Bom
by idsfa (Vicar) on Apr 11, 2006 at 16:13 UTC

    If you had read the docs as has already been suggested:

    After calling, the handle will be set to read at a point after the BOM (or at the beginning of the file if no BOM was found)

    So all you need to do is find out what your current position in the file is after you get the encoding:

    . . . ($encoding, $spillage) = get_encoding_from_filehandle(HANDLE); $bom_length = tell HANDLE; . . .

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