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PerlMonks Editor

by GrandFather (Saint)
on Apr 13, 2006 at 22:08 UTC ( [id://543242]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

This is the first cut of a PerlMonks offline wysiwyg editor. It may be used to wysiwig edit material for posting on PerlMonks and generates the common HTML and PerlMonks special tags used in PerlMonks node markup.

The code uses Tk and should be reasonably cross platform.

This first cut is missing a lot of functionality but is being posted to garner initial reactions and make it available to the curious (I'm off on holiday for a few days and won't be able to work on it for another week).

Important missing stuff includes - no readmore handling, save/open partially implemented (and disabled), keyboard accelerators not working (and disabled), much markup not hooked up.

Basic use entails using the editor to generate the material to be posted, then using File|Render to render the marked up material to the clipboard so that it can be pasted into the edit field of the node being written or edited.

Update: brief use description added

use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use Tk; #use Tk::TextUndo; use Tk::Balloon; use Tk::Clipboard; use Tk::FBox; use Clone qw(clone); =head Todo Provide file open and save Manage B, F, I, P, R and U flags Translate entities (note U flag) Handle accelerator keys Support snippet text (with formatting) Disallow relink Checkmarks for menus handle tables hook up keys Add Edit menu to access find and replace etc =cut use constant kParaSpace => 4; my $currentFile = ''; my %tagTypes; # Style tag data my %formatFonts; # Fonts used in style tags. Keyed by tag my %bindings; # Key, menu and toolbar bindings. Tag is value my %menuItems; # Child menu widgets keyed by menu label path my %entities = # Entities we need to use outside code blocks ( '&', '&amp;', '<', '&lt;', '>', '&gt;', '[', '&#91;', ']', '&#93;', ); my @stdFlags = ( 'B', # Block level element 'C', # Clear all or specified tags: C or Ctag (note lower case) 'F', # Format tag (inline element) 'I', # Item in a list. Implies B 'L', # Link 'P', # Applies to whole paragraph 'R', # Readmore text 'S', # Single spaced text 'U', # Untranslated - don't translate entities 'X', # Exclude all or specified tags: X or Xtag (note lower case) ); while (<DATA>) { # Load the default configuration stuff chomp; next if ! length; last if /^#key /; next if /^#/; my ($tag, $htmlTag, $name, $flagsField, @options) = split /\s*,\s* +/; (print "Missing entries in tag line ($.): $_"), next if ! defined +$flagsField; # pull out flags and handle X and C special case flags my %flags; @flags{@stdFlags} = (0) x @stdFlags; # Preset flags off $flags{'C'} = {}; $flags{'X'} = {}; for (split /(?=[A-Z][a-z]*)/, $flagsField) { my ($flag, $value) = split /(?<=[A-Z])/, $_; print "Unhandled flag '$flag' used\n" if ! exists $flags{$flag +}; if (-1 != index 'XC', $flag) { $flags{$flag}{$value || 'ALL'} = 1; $flags{'C'}{$value || 'ALL'} = 1 if $flag eq 'X'; # X impl +ies C } else { $flags{$flag} = $value || 1; $flags{'B'} = $value || 1 if $flag eq 'I'; } } #Fix up options my $optionStr = join ', ', @options; my %optionHash; while ($optionStr =~ /\G,?\s*((?:(?!=>).)*)=>\s*(\[[^\]]*\]|[^,]*) +,?\s*/g) { my ($option, $value) = ($1, $2); trim (\$option, \$value); if ($value =~ s/\[|\]//g) { # Nested options. Turn them into a hash my @options = split ',', $value; my %optionHash; for (@options) { my ($suboption, $subvalue) = split /\s*=>\s*/; last if ! defined $subvalue; trim (\$suboption, \$subvalue); $optionHash{$suboption} = $subvalue; } $value = \%optionHash; } $optionHash{$option} = $value; } $tagTypes{$tag} = [$htmlTag, $name, \%flags, \%optionHash]; } while (<DATA>) { # Load key binding information next if /^#/; chomp; next if ! length; my ($tag, $key, $menuItem, $toolbarItem, $rightClickItem) = split +/\s*,\s*/; (print "Missing tag in binding line ($.): $_"), next if ! defined +$tag; $bindings{$tag} = [$key, $menuItem, $toolbarItem, $rightClickItem] +; } my $mw = MainWindow->new (-title => "PerlMonks node editor"); my $text = $mw->Scrolled ('Text', -font => 'normal', -wrap => 'word', -scrollbars => 'e',); my $status = $mw->Label(-width => 60, -relief => "sunken", -bd => 1, - +anchor => 'w'); my $balloon = $mw->Balloon(-statusbar => $status); my $msg = ''; my $balloonCharIndex = ''; my $balloonLastIndex = ''; $status->pack(-side => "bottom", -fill => "both", -padx => 2, -pady => + 1); #$balloon->attach # ( # $text, -msg => \$msg, # -balloonposition => 'mouse', # Not really used since the postcom +mand returns the real position. # -postcommand => \&balloonPostCommand, # -motioncommand => \&balloonMotionCommand, # ); my $menuBar = $mw->Menu (-type => 'menubar'); $mw->configure(-menu => $menuBar); $text->pack (-expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both'); # Build file menu $menuItems{'~File'} = $menuBar->cascade(-label => '~File', -tearoff => + 0); $menuItems{'~File'}->command (-label => '~Render', -command => \&fileR +ender); #$menuItems{'~File'}->command (-label => '~Open...', -command => \&fil +eOpen); #$menuItems{'~File'}->command (-label => '~Save', -command => \&fileSa +ve); #$menuItems{'~File'}->command (-label => 'Save ~As...', -command => \& +fileSaveAs); $menuItems{'~File'}->command (-label => 'E~xit', -command => \&fileExi +t); # Build menus and bind keys for my $tag (keys %bindings) { my $menuPath = $bindings{$tag}[1]; next if ! defined $menuPath; my ($top, $item) = split '/', $menuPath; next if ! defined $item; if (! defined $menuItems{$top}) { $menuItems{$top} = $menuBar->cascade(-label => $top, -tearoff +=> 0); } my $newItem = $menuItems{$top}->command (-label => $item, -command => [\&doCommand, $tag]); if (defined $bindings{$tag}[0]) { #Set up accelerator bindings #my $key = $bindings{$tag}[0]; # #$mw->bind ("<$key>" => [\&keyCommand, $tag]); # #$key =~ s/^Control/ctrl/; #$newItem->configure (-accelerator => $key); } } $menuItems{'~Help'} = $menuBar->cascade(-label => '~Help', -tearoff => + 0); $menuItems{'~Help'}->command (-label => '~PerlMonks Editor Help', -com +mand => \&help); $menuItems{'~Help'}->command (-label => '~About', -command => \&about) +; # A couple of phantom paragraph spacing tags to ease calculating parag +raph spacing $text->tagConfigure("!para_start", -spacing1 => 0, -spacing3 => -(kPar +aSpace)); $text->tagConfigure("!para_end", -spacing1 => -(kParaSpace), -spacing3 + => 0); $text->insert ('end', "Some text to play with.\n", '!para'); $text->insert ('end', "Some more text to play with. Some more text to +play with.\n", '!para'); #$mw->bind ("<$key>" => [\&keyCommand, $tag]); MainLoop (); sub balloonPostCommand { return 0 if ! length $balloonCharIndex; my %balloonCharTags; my $charIndex = $text->index ("$balloonCharIndex +1 char"); @balloonCharTags{$text->tagNames()} = ($balloonCharIndex); # If no tags under mouse don't post the balloon. return 0 if ! %balloonCharTags; if (exists $balloonCharTags{name}) { my ($start, $end) = $text->tagPrevrange ('name', $balloonCharI +ndex); my $name = $text->get($start, $end); $name =~ s/\|.*//; $msg = "link to [${name}]'s home node"; } elsif (exists $balloonCharTags{node}) { my ($start, $end) = $text->tagPrevrange ('node', $balloonCharI +ndex); my $node = $text->get($start, $end); $node =~ s/\|.*//; $msg = "link to node id $node"; $msg .= ' (badly formed - digits only allowed)' if $node !~ /^ +\d+$/; } else { return 0; } my @p = $text->bbox($balloonCharIndex); my $x = $text->rootx + $p[0] + $p[2] - 4; my $y = $text->rooty + $p[1] + $p[3] + 2; print "-$x,$y-\n"; return "$x,$y"; } sub balloonMotionCommand { my $x = $text->pointerx - $text->rootx; my $y = $text->pointery - $text->rooty; $balloonCharIndex = $text->index ("\@$x,$y"); # If the same char don't cancel the balloon. return 0 if $balloonLastIndex eq $balloonCharIndex; # New char under mouse - cancel it so a new balloon will be posted +. $balloonLastIndex = $balloonCharIndex; print ">$balloonLastIndex<\n"; return 1; } sub fileRender { $text->clipboardClear (); $text->clipboardAppend (render ()); } sub fileOpen { $currentFile = $text->FBox(-type => 'open', -filter => '*.PMEdit') +->Show; open inFile, '<', $currentFile or $text->messageBox ( -title => 'Save failed', -icon => 'error', -type => 'Ok', -message => "Unable to open '$currentFile' - $!" ); my ($html, $name, $mode, $params); while (<inFile>) { my ($type, $index, $item) = /(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(.*)/; if ($type =~ /^tago(?:n|ff)$/) { next if $item =~ /^_/; ($html, $name, $mode, $params) = @{$tagTypes{$item}}; } if ($type eq '-tagon') { print outFile "-tagon $item $index\n"; } elsif ($type eq '-tagoff') { print outFile "-tagoff $item $index\n"; } elsif ($type eq '-text') { print outFile "-text $item\n"; } else { print "Token type $type at $index not handled.\n"; } } close inFile; } sub fileSave { if (defined $currentFile and length $currentFile) { doSave ($currentFile); } else { fileSaveAs (); } } sub fileSaveAs { my $filename = $text->FBox(-type => 'save', -filter => '*.PMEdit') +->Show; doSave ($filename); } sub doSave { my $filename = shift; return if ! defined $filename or ! length $filename; open outFile, '>', $filename or $text->messageBox ( -title => 'Save failed', -icon => 'error', -type => 'Ok', -message => "Unable to create '$filename' - $!" ); my @dumpText = $text->dump ('-tag', '-text', 'start', 'end'); my ($html, $name, $mode, $params); while (@dumpText) { my ($type, $item, $index) = splice @dumpText, 0, 3; my $segEnd = exists $dumpText[2] ? $dumpText[2] : 'end'; if ($type =~ /^tago(?:n|ff)$/) { next if $item =~ /^_/; ($html, $name, $mode, $params) = @{$tagTypes{$item}}; } if ($type eq 'tagon') { print outFile "-tagon $index $item\n"; } elsif ($type eq 'tagoff') { print outFile "-tagoff $index $item\n"; } elsif ($type eq 'text') { print outFile "-text - $item\n"; } else { print "Token type $type at $index not handled.\n"; } } close outFile; $currentFile = $filename; } sub fileExit { exit 1; } sub render { my $result; my $paragraph; my $inCode = 0; my @dumpText = $text->dump ('-tag', '-text', '1.0', 'end'); my ($html, $name, $mode, $params); while (@dumpText) { my ($type, $item, $index) = splice @dumpText, 0, 3; next if $item =~ m'^(?:sel|para)'; my $segEnd = exists $dumpText[2] ? $dumpText[2] : 'end'; if ($type =~ /^tago(?:n|ff)$/) { next if $item =~ /^(?:_|!)/; ($html, $name, $mode, $params) = @{$tagTypes{$item}}; } if ($type eq 'tagon') { if ($mode->{'L'}) { my ($linkCode) = $html =~ /^\S*\s*(.*)/; $paragraph .= "[$linkCode"; next; } $inCode = 1 if $item eq 'code'; $paragraph .= "<$tagTypes{$item}[0]>"; } elsif ($type eq 'tagoff') { if ($mode->{'L'}) { $paragraph .= ']'; next; } $paragraph .= "</$tagTypes{$item}[0]>"; if ($item eq 'code') { $inCode = 0; } else { } } elsif ($type eq 'text') { $paragraph .= $item; if ($paragraph =~ /\n/) { if ($inCode) { $result .= $paragraph; } else { $paragraph =~ tr/\n//d; if ($paragraph eq '</code>') { $result .= $paragraph; $paragraph = ''; } $result .= "<p>$paragraph</p>\n"; } $paragraph = ''; } } else { print "Token type $type at $index not handled.\n"; } } $result =~ s|<p></p>|<br>|g; return $result; } sub keyCommand { &doCommand (); } sub doCommand { my %newTag = (tag => shift); my @selections = $text->tagRanges('sel'); @newTag{'name', 'html', 'flags', 'params'} = @{$tagTypes{$newTag{t +ag}}}; do { if (@selections) { my %tags; @tags{$text->tagNames($selections[0])} = (); # Preset curr +ent tags $newTag{isOn} = ! exists $tags{$newTag{tag}}; # Complement + new tag's curr state $tags{$newTag{tag}} ||= $newTag{isOn}; @newTag{'start', 'end'} = splice @selections, 0, 2; } else { my %activeTags; @activeTags{$text->tagNames('insert')} = (); return if ! exists $activeTags{$newTag{tag}}; @newTag{'start', 'end'} = $text->tagPrevrange ($newTag{tag +}, 'insert'); $newTag{isOn} = 0; } return if ! defined $newTag{end}; my $msg = $newTag{flags}{L} ? manageLink (%newTag) : updateTex +tTags (%newTag); if (length $msg) { $status->configure (-text => $msg); return; } } while (@selections); } sub updateTextTags { my %newTag = @_; my @dumpText = $text->dump ('-tag', '-text', $newTag{start}, $newT +ag{end}); my @activeTags = $text->tagNames($newTag{start}); my %tags; @tags{@activeTags} = (1) x @activeTags; # Preset current tags $tags{$newTag{tag}} = $newTag{isOn}; TOKEN: while (@dumpText) { my ($type, $item, $index) = splice @dumpText, 0, 3; my $segEnd = exists $dumpText[2] ? $dumpText[2] : $newTag{end} +; if ($type eq 'tagon') { $tags{$item} = 1 if $item ne $newTag{tag}; } elsif ($type eq 'tagoff') { $tags{$item} = 0 if $item ne $newTag{tag}; } elsif ($type eq 'text') { my @tagList = grep {! /^_|^sel$/ && $tags{$_}} keys %tags; my @removeList = grep {! $tags{$_} || /^_/} keys %tags; # Bail if current tags preclude new tag for (@tagList) { next if ! exists $tagTypes{$_} or $newTag{tag} eq $_; my ($Ihtml, $Iname, $Iflags, $Iparams) = @{$tagTypes{$ +_}}; # Check for existing tag that precludes all new tags if ($Iflags->{'X'}{'ALL'}) { next TOKEN } # Check for existing tag that precludes $newTag if ($Iflags->{'X'}{$newTag{tag}}) { next TOKEN; } } if ($newTag{isOn}) { if ($newTag{flags}->{'C'}{'ALL'}) { # Strip all other tags push @removeList, @tagList; } elsif (%{$newTag{flags}->{'C'}}) { # Clear specific tags push @removeList, keys %{$newTag{flags}->{'C'}}; } push @tagList, $newTag{tag}; } $text->tagRemove ($_, $index, $segEnd) for @removeList; @tagList = buildTag (@tagList); $text->tagAdd ($_, $index, $segEnd) for @tagList; fixParaSpacing ($index); } else { print "Token type $type at $index not handled.\n"; } } return ''; } sub manageLink { my %newTag = @_; my @activeTags = $text->tagNames($newTag{start}); my %tags; if (! $newTag{isOn}) { # Remove the link $text->tagRemove ($newTag{tag}, $newTag{start}, $newTag{end}); updateTextTags (%newTag); return ''; } @tags{@activeTags} = (1) x @activeTags; # Preset current tags for (keys %tags) { next if ! exists $tagTypes{$_}; return 1 if $newTag{tag} eq $_ and $newTag{isOn}; # Link alrea +dy my ($Ihtml, $Iname, $Iflags, $Iparams) = @{$tagTypes{$_}}; return "Can't link inside $Iname" if $Iflags->{'X'}{'ALL'}; return "Can't link inside $Iname" if $Iflags->{'X'}{'link'}; } return 'Links must not span line ends.' if int ($newTag{start}) != int ($newTag{end}); # Get the link text my $orgLinkText = $text->get($newTag{start}, $newTag{end}); my ($linkStr, $textStr) = $orgLinkText =~ /^([~|]*\|?)(.*)/; my $indexStr = "$newTag{start} +" . length ($linkStr) . 'chars'; my $linkEnd = $text->index ($indexStr); my %linkTag = %{clone (\%newTag)}; my %textTag = %{clone (\%newTag)}; $linkTag{end} = $linkEnd; $textTag{start} = $linkEnd; updateTextTags (%linkTag); updateTextTags (%textTag); return ''; } sub buildTag { my %tags; @tags{@_} = (); my @tagList = sort keys %tags; my $newFormatTag = '_' . join '_', @tagList; my %options; my %fontParams; for (@tagList) { next if ! exists $tagTypes{$_} || ! ref $tagTypes{$_}; my ($html, $name, $mode, $params) = @{$tagTypes{$_}}; next if ! ref $params; for my $type (keys %$params) { if ($type =~ /-font/) { for my $subType (keys %{$params->{$type}}) { $fontParams{$subType} = $params->{$type}{$subType} +; } } else { $options{$type} = $params->{$type}; } } } $options{-font} = buildFont (%fontParams) if %fontParams; $text->tagConfigure ($newFormatTag, %options); push @tagList, $newFormatTag; return @tagList; } sub buildFont { my %options = @_; my $fontName = ''; $fontName .= "$_|$options{$_}," for sort keys %options; $fontName =~ tr/-+/mp/; $fontName =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9/mp_/c; $mw->fontCreate($fontName, %options) if ! $formatFonts{$fontName}+ ++; return $fontName; } sub fixParaSpacing { my $lastLine = ($text->index ('end') =~ /(\d+)/)[0]; my $lastTailSpace = -(kParaSpace); my @paraTags; push @paraTags, "!para_$_" for (1..$lastLine); $text->tagDelete (@paraTags); # Clear current spacing tags for my $line (1..$lastLine) { my $headSpace = kParaSpace; my $tailSpace = kParaSpace; my @activeTags = $text->tagNames("$line.0"); # Note that this is currently broken if the first character ha +ppens to be a # part of a single spaced style applied to a partial line for (@activeTags) { next if ! exists $tagTypes{$_} || ! ref $tagTypes{$_}; my ($html, $name, $mode, $params) = @{$tagTypes{$_}}; next if ! ref $params; for my $type (keys %$params) { $headSpace = $params->{$type} if $headSpace && $type = +~ /-spacing1/; $tailSpace = $params->{$type} if $tailSpace && $type = +~ /-spacing3/; } } if ($lastTailSpace == -(kParaSpace)) { $headSpace = 0; } elsif ($lastTailSpace == 0 && $headSpace > 0) { $headSpace += kParaSpace; } elsif ($lastTailSpace > 0 && $headSpace == 0) { $headSpace += kParaSpace; } $text->tagConfigure("!para_$line", -spacing1 => $headSpace, -s +pacing3 => $tailSpace); $text->tagAdd ("!para_$line", "$line.0"); $text->tagRaise ("!para_$line"); $lastTailSpace = $tailSpace; } } sub trim { for (@_) { $$_ =~ s/^\s+//; $$_ =~ s/\s+$//; } } sub help { my $msg = <<MSG; This editor is designed to provide wysiwyg editing for n +odes. The contents of the node is edited off-line and rendered (File|Render) to +the clipboard for pasting into a node's text edit field. Feedback can be /msged to GrandFather in the first instance. If you pr +ovide an email address in your /msg, GrandFather will most likely reply to the +email address. MSG $mw->messageBox ( -icon => 'info', -message => $msg, -title => 'PerlMonks Editor Help', -type => 'Ok', ); } sub about { my $msg = <<MSG; PerlMonks Editor Written by GrandFather for the assistance, pleasure and edification of + other monks. MSG $mw->messageBox ( -icon => 'info', -message => $msg, -title => 'About PerlMonks Editor', -type => 'Ok', ); } __DATA__ #tag style definitions #tag name,HTML tag, UI text, flags, modifiers as key value pairs big,big,Big font,F,-font => [-size => 16] bold,b,Bold,F,-font => [-weight => bold] center,center,Centered text,P, code,code,Code block,BFXCU,-spacing1 => 0,-spacing3 => 0,-background = +> #e0e0ff,-font => [-family => courier, -weight => bold] cpan,link id://,CPAN link,L, -background => #c0c0c0, -foreground => #4 +0e040, dd,dd,Definition Description,B, del,del,Deleted Text,F, dl,dl,Definition List,B,-lmargin1 => 20m, -lmargin2 => 20m, -rmargin = +> 20m dt,dt,Definition Term,B,-lmargin1 => 10m, -lmargin2 => 10m, -rmargin = +> 10m, -font => [-weight => bold] emphasis,em,Emphasis,F,-font => [-weight => bold] h3,h3,Header level 3,B,-font => [-size => 24], -background => #c0c0c0, +-spacing1 => 14 h4,h4,Header level 4,B,-font => [-size => 24], -background => #8080c0, +-spacing1 => 10 h5,h5,Header level 5,B,-font => [-size => 16], -background => #c0c0c0, +-spacing1 => 10 h6,h6,Header level 6,B,-font => [-size => 16], -background => #8080c0, +-spacing1 => 8 hrule,hr,Horizontal rule,BX, inserted,ins,ins,BF, -background => #ffffc0, italic,i,Italic,F,-font => [-slant => italic] item,li,List item,I, olist,ol,Ordered list,B,-lmargin1 => 20m, -lmargin2 => 20m, -rmargin = +> 20m quote,blockquote,Quoted block,P,-lmargin1 => 15m,-lmargin2 => 15m,-rma +rgin => 15m readmore,readmore,Read more block,BR,-background => #a0b7ce small,small,small,F,-font => [-size => 8] spoiler,spoiler,Spoiler,F, -background => #000000, -foreground => #404 +040, strike,strike,Strike Out,F,-overstrike => on strong,strong,Strong emphasis,F, sub,sub,Sub script,FCsuper,-offset => -2p,-font => [-size => 8] super,sup,Super script,FCsub,-offset => 4p,-font => [-size => 8] teletype,Teletype text,tt,F,-font => [-family => courier], -background + => #FFFFc0 ulist,ul,Unordered list,B,-lmargin1 => 20m, -lmargin2 => 20m, -rmargin + => 20m underline,u,Underline,F,[-underline => on]], #links - still tag style definitions acronym,link acronym://,Acronym link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreg +round => #0060c0, cpan,link cpan://,Cpan link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => +#00a0a0, dict,link dict://,Dictionary link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foregrou +nd => #00a0a0, dist,link dist://,CPAN Distro link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foregro +und => #00a0a0, doc,link doc://,perldoc link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => + #00a0a0, ftp,link ftp://,Ftp link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => #00 +a0a0, google,link google://,Google link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foregrou +nd => #00a0a0, href,link href://,Href link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => +#00a0a0, http,link http://,Http link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => +#00a0a0, https,link https://,Https link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground +=> #00a0a0, id,link id://,Node id link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => # +00a0a0, isbn,link isbn://,Isbn link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => +#00a0a0, jargon,link jargon://,Jargon link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foregrou +nd => #00a0a0, kobes,link kobes://,Kobes link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground +=> #00a0a0, lj,link lj://,Live journal link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground + => #00a0a0, lucky,link lucky://,Google lucky link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -fore +ground => #00a0a0, mod,link mod://,Mod link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => #00 +a0a0, module,link module://,Module link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foregrou +nd => #00a0a0, name,link,Node name link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => #00 +60c0, pad,link pad://,Scratchpad link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground + => #00a0a0, perldoc,link perldoc://,Perldoc link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreg +round => #00a0a0, pmdev,link pmdev://,Pmdev link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground +=> #00a0a0, wp,link wp://,Wp link,L, -background => #f0f0f0, -foreground => #00a0a +0, #key bindings, menu items and tool bar items #tag,key,menu item,toolbar item,right click item big,Control 2,Format/Big,,Big bold,Control Shift b,Format/Bold,,Bold italic,Control i,Format/Italic,,Italic strike,Control s,Format/Strike out,,Strike out sub,Control u,Format/Subscript,,Subscript super,Control s,Format/Superscript,,Superscript code,Control c,Format/Code,,Code id,,Links/Node,,Node id link name,,Links/Name,,Name link

DWIM is Perl's answer to Gödel

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: PerlMonks Editor
by McDarren (Abbot) on Apr 14, 2006 at 06:44 UTC

    Cool stuff++

    After spending 15 minutes writing up a node this morning, and then managing to blow it away by mis-advertently closing the wrong browser tab - (UGH!) - this has come just at the right time :)

    One minor asthetic request - the "Format" menu items are obviously toggles. It would be nice to have them "ticked" (or not) as they've been applied.

    And one minor annoyance - it seems to convert any linebreak into </p><p>. Wouldn't it be more appropriate (and intuitive) if it only started a new paragraph where there was a blank line separating blocks of text, and convert all other line breaks into <br>?


    This is a line, with a linebreak And another line directly underneath # Converts to: <p>This is a line, with a linebreak<br> And another line directly underneath</p> # Where as: Blah blah some text and random pontification that goes on for a few li +nes. Then a new paragraph starts here... # Converts to: <p>Blah blah some text and random pontification that goes on for a few + lines.</p> <p>Then a new paragraph starts here...

    Darren :)

        No, I didn't (obviously :p)
        But I do now, thank you very much :)

      Toward the top of the code is a todo list. Check item 7 in the list :).

      I never use <br> when writing PM nodes so I guess I ignored it as a possibility. I find that between code tags and paragraphs I don't find much use for blocks of text that may be wrapped (like paragraphs), but which are single spaced (like code blocks).

      For myself I prefer the current behaviour, but a configuration option (the first) could be added to control it.

      DWIM is Perl's answer to Gödel
Re: PerlMonks Editor
by radiantmatrix (Parson) on Apr 14, 2006 at 15:47 UTC

    Great idea, ++! In fact, it's something I've been toying around with trying as well, I'm glad you beat me to it (I'm not much of a GUI programmer).

    I do have one feature suggestion/request. Either (a)include support for entering text in non-rich forms (like Markdown), or (b)provide a plugin text-processing architecture so other people can choose to provide Markdown/WikiText/etc. support. This would ideally be combined with the option to select a "plain text mode" for entry, then render appropriately.

    A collection of thoughts and links from the minds of geeks
    The Code that can be seen is not the true Code
    I haven't found a problem yet that can't be solved by a well-placed trebuchet

      Sounds entierly sensible. Have you any suggestions for how? I intend to sort out file save/open as a "next thing" and I guess that is where something would plug in. A "FileLoad" object, or something less formal than that?

      DWIM is Perl's answer to Gödel

        Shooting from the hip here...

        I'd be tempted to have such things in two places. First, a config file that maps file extensions to .pm plugins (with, of course, some well-defined interface). For example, I could have .mark map to FileLoad::Plugin::Markdown, then all .mark files would be loaded/saved with that plugin.

        Second, I'd have an "Convert to PM tags" option. That might scan the space ContentExport::Plugin::* to create a dialog of options. If ContentExport::Plugin::Markdown existed, for example, there would be a 'from Markdown' option. From a user perspective this would be more of a "time to publish" function.

        Again, this is sort of off the top of my head. I'm willing to lend a hand in this, too, as it's a cool project in an area where I need some skill development. My time is a little thin, but I'm happy to help where I can.

        A collection of thoughts and links from the minds of geeks
        The Code that can be seen is not the true Code
        I haven't found a problem yet that can't be solved by a well-placed trebuchet
Re: PerlMonks Editor
by ww (Archbishop) on Apr 14, 2006 at 13:37 UTC
    First, ++ indeed! and...

          ...You betcha' I'd use it!

    I'll use it not only for my own fatfingered tab closings or braintfart formatting, but also to speed up the pace of replies, where OP is sitting online hoping one of us will respond.

Re: PerlMonks Editor
by jdporter (Paladin) on Apr 18, 2006 at 21:51 UTC

    That is nice, because it attempts to be PerlMonks markup aware. Here's the thing I use to edit nodes locally using any editor, whether vi, Netscape Composer, or whatever.

    We're building the house of the future together.

      This looks pertinent to version 2 of the editor - scrape the node being replied to (to allow quoted material from the OP) and post the reply directly. Thanks for the reply!

      DWIM is Perl's answer to Gödel

        In your code the following line

        use constant kParaSpace => 4;

        appears to be the setting for the gap between paragraphs when the paragraph tags are used.

        When I tested your editor the gap between paragraphs is rather wider than seems to be the norm in most PerlMonks posts. Perhaps kParaSpace should be set to 2?

        This is a minor nitpick; otherwise this is very slick. Kudos to you...


        PS: This node was written (mostly)using your editor:)
        scrape the node being replied to (to allow quoted material from the OP)

        Yeah, that's a good idea. My code (above) is only useful for editing extant nodes.

        We're building the house of the future together.

      My thanx for the console offline editor (and also to GrandFather for this thread).

      I've slightly modified it for Unix, which will hopefully be forgiven by jdporter. It should still support Windows, just as before. And until I find a willing victim, I'll keep this version working

      For my personally, the main advantage of this solution over PMEdit is that the script wraps around your standard editor, and I thus can avoid TK and WYSIAYCEHTG.

      It's also quite useful to take a peek at the PM-html source of a node, e.g. how the heck did that fellow monk manage a blue background (A: class=settings_key; grey is class=readmore)? Especially nice with vim highlighting and the original whitespace (alternatively follow the xml link or add ;displaytype=xml to the URL).

      Changes include:

      • .netrc-support for credentials plus use of $EDITOR (set e.g. to vi, gvim, or gvim.exe)
      • skip upload if temporary file is unchanged
      • allow use of http urls, w/o protocol, and non-numerical 'node='-type id's
      • 20091004: be a bit less obscure on a missing -id. Some better guesses for a windows _netrc, and a notion of shortcuts (e.g. self for this very node; short cut are builtin or in a user-defined file $0.short). For backup, both the original and the new editor buffer are kept in /tmp (un-versioned, un-dated). This pretty much implements the rest of what I perceived as missing features.

      Possible Todos:

      • add options to just read or write to allow use in vim autocommands (e.g. vimdiff or reading two or three nodes into the same buffer; and probably also very helpful for the everything-in-one-vim fraction, which I don't belong to -> very low pri)

      Known Bugs:

      • I don't see any way to use this script with the private scratchpad, as displaymode=private and viewmode=xml within an URL seem to clash (server side, not pm_vi).
      • changes to home node or scratchpad are silently discarded by PM.
      • no idea what the corresponding _netrc location on windows would be. Search for ZZZ to update my guesswork. Or change some profile for cmd to provide $ENV{HOME} and place a .netrc (or _netrc) file in this dir.
      • AFAIK has 64K limits on at least some of its nodes. Prod me if there's a need to replace the (.*) regex capture group with real code; but much to my enjoyment, the 64K regex pattern/capture-group 'stretch' limit seems to be ancient history (since at least 5.8, as tested with a simple ([\s\S]*)).
        Currently the script prints out a paranoid 20K reminder asking the user to double-check larger nodes (20K may well expand upto the 64K range with HTML entities).
      • 20091009: title entity encoding issue fixed (I think)

      A diff -u is a bit long compared to the script (given that I touched only 3 locations, excluding whitespace, comments and 2 variables...), so here's the script in full:

Re: PerlMonks Editor
by QM (Parson) on Apr 14, 2006 at 17:06 UTC
    Great! (Now, this node is also a candidate for nested <readmore> tags.)

    Quantum Mechanics: The dreams stuff is made of

      What about code tags that just automaticaly hide code that is longer than X. Then you just click download to view it. It would be a user setting of course sense nothing on this site is allowed to change from standard behaviour ;)

      Eric Hodges
Re: PerlMonks Editor
by GrandFather (Saint) on May 05, 2006 at 02:46 UTC
Re: PerlMonks Editor
by GrandFather (Saint) on Apr 25, 2006 at 07:19 UTC

    Update adds file save/load and shortcut keys. Cleans up paragraph spacing a little.

    Update: fixed nasty hack used to retreive the Text Subwidget.
    Fixed file open error if you cancel out of the Open file dialog.

    DWIM is Perl's answer to Gödel

      After much prodding by GrandFather, I finally got around to trying this out, on JavaJunkies. I can happily report that it works quite well, even with numbered links, although I don't know for how much longer as Yendor keeps promising a Java front end for that site.

Re: PerlMonks Editor
by GrandFather (Saint) on Nov 30, 2006 at 01:34 UTC

      Running it w/ Tk 804.027 (x11-toolkits/p5-Tk port) & perl 5.8.8 on FreeBSD 6.x, spews (nothing else happens) ...

      Unhandled flag 'F' used Unhandled flag 'F' used Unhandled flag 'P' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'F' used Unhandled flag 'U' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'F' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'F' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'F' used Unhandled flag 'F' used Unhandled flag 'I' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'P' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'R' used Unhandled flag 'F' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'F' used Unhandled flag 'F' used Unhandled flag 'F' used Unhandled flag 'F' used Unhandled flag 'F' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'F' used Unhandled flag 'L' usedline (32): Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Unhandled flag 'R' used Unhandled flag 'B' used Unhandled flag 'L' used Use of uninitialized value in string at line 11 +46, <DATA> line 82. bad event type or keysym "_" at line 268, <DATA +> line 82.

      A few minutes later: Ok, the "uninitialized value" goes away if I delete the blank line at the end of __DATA__.

        The line with whitespace on it (an empty line doesn't do it for me) is fairly trivial - but silly not to have found. Thanks for finding it for me!

        The other issue I should have fixed before uploading, but I sort of forgot about it. On investigation it could be more important than I'd thought and has now been fixed in my current version. It probably doesn't affect current functionality, but my test suite runs against a module version of the code so I've not run the combined version against the test suite to check.

        I'll upload an updated version to CPAN soon.

        Thanks for the help!

        Update: an updated version has been uploaded as and should appear soonish at a mirror near you. ;)

        DWIM is Perl's answer to Gödel

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