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Re^2: T.I.T.S. Or, Try It To See.

by mikasue (Friar)
on Apr 27, 2006 at 19:28 UTC ( [id://546099]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: T.I.T.S. Or, Try It To See.
in thread T.I.T.S. Or, Try It To See.

While it's an interesting acronym, TITS is not always practical. In certain situations it can be a waste of time. If I know how to do something in one language and want to know if something in another language does that very thing, I can ask 'what will this do' and listen for clues of what i'm trying to do. I could try it but if it doesn't do what I want, I have to find the next thing. To ask the question saves time. For newbies like myself, I would rather ask than try 10 different modules and never find what I was looking for. Once I ask and hear that the module will do it, then I will TITS how to make it work for my purpose. IT'S GETTING TO THE RIGHT THING TO TITS!

BrowserUk hit the nail on the head! This is a great site for these questions. They may seem minor to experts but i'm just looking for a starting point. How do I ask the question? How do I find what I want? How do I google for it? I don't know so I come to perlmonks and ask the question - what does this do?

Thanks for this meditation. It was a great one and thanks BrowserUk for your comment! I look forward to learning from the more seasoned monks.

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