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Dependency hell: Bundle::CPAN, Pod::Coverage and Module::Buildby jkeenan1 (Deacon) |
on Apr 30, 2006 at 14:40 UTC ( [id://546581]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
jkeenan1 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Nowadays, almost every time I use the cpan shell to install modules, I get prompted to upgrade to the latest version of Bundle::CPAN. I'm told that it should be a "seamless upgrade during the current session."
It never is. Today's problem deals more with the aftermath of using Bundle::CPAN. While Bundle::CPAN was going through its paces, I noticed that many tests were being skipped because I didn't have Test::Pod or Test::Pod::Coverage installed. Now, I don't have very much use for either of those modules, but, for the sake of fewer warning messages, I decided to install them. Test::Pod installed without problem. Test::Pod::Coverage was a different story. It depended upon Pod::Coverage v0.17. So cpan tried to install that module. It immediately got this warning:
cpan handled the lack of Devel::Symdump by installing it in the normal manner. But it couldn't figure out what to do with the warning about Module::Build, which is particularly aggravating given that, just minutes before, cpan had installed the latest version of Module::Build as part of Bundle::CPAN's operation! Without that particular feature of Module::Build, Pod::Coverage failed its tests and Test::Pod::Coverage did so as well. In the hope that I would be prompted for the C_support option, I next tried to reinstall Module::Build. I got this message:
So cpan was not about to permit me to reinstall Module::Build in such a way as to get the C_support option needed for Pod::Coverage. (I should note that when, during Bundle::CPAN's operation, I came to the prompt about PGP, I consistently chose the default option: 'skip all this cryptographic stuff'. As the alternative was installing 20 modules, more dependency hell lurked in that direction.) So my questions are: 1. Should I try to (re-)install Module::Build manually so as to be presented with the C_support option? 2. Have other people faced this problem with Bundle::CPAN? 3. Could Bundle::CPAN be patched so as to avoid this problem? Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan
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