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Re^2: Dependency hell: Bundle::CPAN, Pod::Coverage and Module::Build

by jkeenan1 (Deacon)
on Apr 30, 2006 at 18:44 UTC ( [id://546596]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Dependency hell: Bundle::CPAN, Pod::Coverage and Module::Build
in thread Dependency hell: Bundle::CPAN, Pod::Coverage and Module::Build

But I am a developer! Moreover, I've successfully installed both Pod::Coverage and Test::Pod::Coverage on my laptop (Mac). I'm encountering these problems on my Linux (Debian) server.

Jim Keenan
  • Comment on Re^2: Dependency hell: Bundle::CPAN, Pod::Coverage and Module::Build

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Re^3: Dependency hell: Bundle::CPAN, Pod::Coverage and Module::Build
by cees (Curate) on May 01, 2006 at 01:06 UTC

    If you are using Debian, you can solve a lot of those problems by installing those support modules from the deb repository. Debian packages up a huge amount of perl modules, including the ones that you were having problems with.

    • libmodule-build-perl
    • libtest-pod-coverage-perl
    • libtest-pod-perl

    Now these packaged version may not be the absolute latest on CPAN, but since they are support modules and will not be used in your application, that should usually not concern you.

    There is also an extra deb repo that contains more recent CPAN modules. Just add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list config file:

    deb unstable main

    Although I don't know how up to date those are, since I haven't seen any changes to it recently....

Re^3: Dependency hell: Bundle::CPAN, Pod::Coverage and Module::Build
by thor (Priest) on Apr 30, 2006 at 18:52 UTC
    But I am a developer!
    I think what he meant is that you're not a developer of the specific modules that are "complaining" about not having those modules installed. If you ever become a maintainer or contributer to a module that uses one of these modules in their testing framework, then you probably wouldn't ignore their lack of installation. However, not testing POD coverage for modules that you're installing doesn't affect their functionality, so it's safe to ignore those tests.


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