This runs on Windows platforms. It may take a few seconds to produce output, so please be patient.
It will take a single string argument, but supplies a default if one is not given. If the passed string is invalid, the program simply prints the string and exits.
Once you've discovered what the program does, see if you can figure out what kinds of strings will work.
Update: Modified slightly to work with Linux too. Thank you teamster_jr for the info! (Under Linux the 3 modules Gnome::Sound, Time::HiRes, and Tk must be installed).
## Libraries ##
use FileHandle; use Time::HiRes qw(usleep gettimeofday);use Tk;
$B = eval { require Win32::Sound }; $B or require Gnome::Sound;
## Initialization ##
$F={1,{qw[f 1 S 1 q 1 s 1]},2,{qw[f 1 S 1 q 1]},4,{qw[f 1 S 1]},8,{qw
[S 1]},};sub X{length$_[0]}foreach$b(keys%$F){$p=$F->{$b};map{$F->{$b
*1.5}->{$_}=$F->{$b}->{$_} } (keys%$p); $F->{$b *1.5}->{d}=1} $,='li'
; $;='a.wav'; @i = map { $o = $_; map {$o.$_ }('A'..'G')}(1..5);$si-=
3; $px = { }; for (@i) { $px->{$_} = $si++ ; last if ($_ eq '5E')}map
{$px->{"$_#"}=$px->{$_.'b'}=$px->{$_}} (keys%$px);$E={qw(1A 3- 1B 2%-
1C 2- 1D 1%- 1E 1 3C 1 5A 1 5B 1%+ 5C 2+ 5D 2%+ 5E 3+)};map {$E->{$_.
'#'}=$E->{$_} } ( keys % $E); $G = 4; $ja = 472; $n = 55; $Y= $Z=100;
$I={};$T= $J=3; $j = $U = $v = $W = $z = $oo = 0;$w = { };$V = {};sub
P{my($p, $q, $r, $s) = @_; $st = $I->{$q.$r}; $s/=100;$ha =0;$ck=$st/
11025;$er= $s *11025; map { $X = 327.67* $Y*sin($ha*6.2831853); if($R
>=@$p) {push @$p,$X}else{$p->[$R]+= $X } $R++; $ha += $ck } (1..$er)}
## Command-line ##
my $input = shift||
## Main Program ##
$x=55; $D= 2**(1/12); map{$U=$_;$y=$x*(2**$U);for($i=0;$i<7;$i++)
{$t=[qw(A B C D E F G)]->[$i]; $u = $U.$t; $I->{$u} = $y;last if(
'5E'eq$u);$I->{"${u}b"}=$y/$D; $I->{"${u}#"} = $y * $D; $y *= ($D
** [2,1,2,2,1,2,2]->[$i])}}( 1..5 );W($input,50,20);$cv= tkinit->
Scrolled ('Canvas', -scrollbars,'se')->form; $cv->configure (-wi,
850,-he, $ja,-bg, 'white',-confine, 1); S(0,$G-1); update $cv;$B?
$B? Win32::Sound::Play($;,1):Gnome::Sound::play($;);$nt=$ot=-0.2+
gettimeofday; $k = 0;while($k<=$V->{V}){$tt=$ot+($k+1)/128;while(
}($k%128)or i(12);if($nb){while(@$nb){($nn,$dd)=splice(@$nb,0,2);
$sd=($nn=~s/([-+])$//)? $1:0; $dd*=8;t($nn, $dd,$sd)} $cv->update
;i(18)}}}while(1){$cv->update;usleep 100000}#5/3/2006 - liverpole
## Subroutines ###
sub C { create $cv(@_) } sub i{ $n+=$_[0];if($n+18>=822){$n=55;if
850,$ja]);$cv->yviewMoveto(1-(1/$G));++$G}}}sub S {my ($C,$c)=@
_; for ($i=$C;$i<=$c;$i++) {$jo=$i*114; map{$xy=35+$jo+6*$_;5eq
$_ or create$cv($,, 20,$xy, 830, $xy) }(0..10)}}sub R{my($C)=@_
{if (/\|:/) { $c[++$l] = "" } elsif (/:\|/) { $c[$l-1] .= $c[$l
]x2; --$l } else { $c[$l] .= $_ } }split(/(\|:|:\|)/,$C); $c[0]
}sub W{my($a,$b,$c)=@_;$_=R($a);$v=$Z=$b;$U=$W=$c;my$p=[];while
($_) { if (s/^\(([.\d]+)\)//){$v=$Z*$1}elsif(s/^<(\d+)>//) { $Y
=$1} elsif (s/^\[([-\d]+)\]//){$oo=$1}elsif(s/^(\-|\+)//){$T+=(
$1eq'+')?1:-1}elsif(s/^(\d+)//) { $T = $1 }elsif(s/^(\*|\/)//){
(s/^!(\d+)!//){$U = $1} elsif (s/^@(.)//) {$w->{$1}||=$R}elsif(
s/^&(.)//){$R=$w->{$1}}elsif(s/^v//){ ++$z;$R=$S =0; $T = $J;$v
O_WRONLY|O_CREAT)or die$!.$/;$N=4*@$p;$H=pack('A4Va4A4VvvVVvv'.
X $O); $O =""}($i< @$p) or last } syswrite ($A,$O,X$O);close$A;
sub t {
my ($nn, $nb, $sd) = @_;
my$idx=$px->{$1.$et};defined($idx)or return;my$y=$yy-($idx*3);if($et
$,,$x-2, $y-8,$x-2,$y+4);C($,,$x-2,$y+3,$x+3,$y+1);C($,,$x+2,$y+1,$x
();create$cv ('ov',$x-3, $y-3, $x+3, $y+3, @a); $pd->{'d'} and $cv->
sx,$sy)=($x,$y);$sd||=0;$g=20;$di=1;if('-'eq$sd||(!$sd&&$idx<$px ->{
$Q,$sy+$P)}}} if($_=$E->{$nn}){/(\d)(%?)([-+]?)/;($rp,$eq,$le)=($1,$
2,$3);$le=('-'eq$le)?-3:3;($eq eq'%')and$y+=$le; while($rp--){create
$cv($,, $x-7, $y, $x+7, $y);$y += 2 * $le}}
## Program notes ##
^( (
or die$$p.
sv= $4||0;
$dd =$v;(
'R' eq$M)
and $dd
*=2 ;$dv
and $dd
*=( '.'
eq$ dv)
?1.5 :.5
; $ tc
= $ sv
?0: $U
;$r =$
dd* $tc
/100 ;$
q= $ dd
-$r;$k=int (
128*$R/11025 )
L.$M;$S and$K.=