in reply to Perldoc for Non-Computer People

If you are using Windows and an ActiveState Perl install then you can read the docs by pointing your browser at file:///C:/Perl/html/index.html (the path will be different if you installed to somewhere other than the default location).

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Re^2: Perldoc for Non-Computer People
by jdtoronto (Prior) on May 05, 2006 at 01:43 UTC
    Even better, just go to your start menu and look for ActiveState, then you can drill down and find a link to the entire documentation set, including all the module docs.

    But to be perfectly honest, that is not the place to start! Get yourself a copy of "Learning Perl", currently in its 4th edition and read, mark and inwardly digest the contents thereof.


      Even if I use the CLI version also under Windows, if he finds himself consulting the HTML version of the docs quite often, then a link on the desktop (mine is almost empty) or on the personal toolbar may result to be even easier points of access to it. Just an idea...