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Re^3: [Culture] brian d foy name is allways lower case: why?

by jhourcle (Prior)
on May 15, 2006 at 04:03 UTC ( [id://549379]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: [Culture] brian d foy name is allways lower case: why?
in thread [Culture] brian d foy name is allways lower case: why?

This person never knew the advantages to having an uncommon last name. (Mine's an Americanized spelling of a French spelling of a Basque name):

*phone rings*

Telemarketer: Hello is mister *confused pause* (something not even close to my last name) available?

Me: Nope. *click*

The only notable problem -- there's only 8 of us left in the US with this last name, so I can't deny all those embarassing things on the internet, or even blame my twin brother, like I can for things in person.

(there are a few alternate spellings in the Ellis Island records, but as best I can tell, there aren't any left in the US)

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