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Re^3: [Culture] brian d foy name is allways lower case: why?

by merlyn (Sage)
on May 15, 2006 at 16:37 UTC ( [id://549542]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: [Culture] brian d foy name is allways lower case: why?
in thread [Culture] brian d foy name is allways lower case: why?

BTW it is realy a sign of respect to capitalize a persons name
No, it's really a sign of respect to be called as you wish to be called, and not force your standards on others.

For example, I go by "Randal" only. Never "Randy". When someone addresses me as "Randy", hoping it will make me feel more comfortable because they're using a familiar name instead of a formal name, it actually makes me more uncomfortable, because it shows they don't really pay attention to what I consider important. It's about respect, not about convention.

-- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker
Be sure to read my standard disclaimer if this is a reply.

  • Comment on Re^3: [Culture] brian d foy name is allways lower case: why?

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Re^4: [Culture] brian d foy name is allways lower case: why?
by eric256 (Parson) on May 15, 2006 at 18:04 UTC

    When you don't know someone well enough to konw that they like Randal better than Randy the proper and respectful way to address them is by there given name. I should have said "If a person doesn't know you then the way that they address you respectfully is by capitalizing your name."

    Eric Hodges
      OK, you're clearly forgiven if you had never seen brian's name in print. But the question here was about using the name having already seen it, I presume. Your answer is more like "if I don't know his name, I guess I'll call him Randal". That doesn't make much sense.

      -- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker
      Be sure to read my standard disclaimer if this is a reply.

        "Your answer is more like "if I don't know his name, I guess I'll call him Randal". That doesn't make much sense."

        I think we lost topic somewhere in there. The original question was "why does every one keep refering to brian d foy with all lower case?" Which brian then answered with a kind odd response claiming that it wasn't odd at all for him to want his name in all lower case, but it IS odd because it is not what we expect. When in doubt we expect anyones name to be capitalized. My argument wasn't that people should call him Brian, just that it is obvious why they would *want* to and why they are confused that he doesn't want them to. In fact I still have no idea why he doesn't want it capitalized but thats his perogative.

        Eric Hodges

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