Re: matching a regular expression
by japhy (Canon) on May 18, 2006 at 11:51 UTC
use Text::Abbrev;
use strict;
print "Enter a command: ";
chomp(my $action = <STDIN>); # they could enter 'adm' or 'h'
my %modes = abbrev(qw( hsbn admin ... ));
# if $modes{$action} is defined, that means it is a
# NON-AMBIGUOUS abbreviation of 'hsbn', 'admin', etc.
if (defined(my $fullaction = $modes{$action})) {
if ($fullaction eq 'hsbn') { ... }
elsif ($fullaction eq 'admin') { ... }
else {
print "$action was ambiguous.\n";
You'll have to do more work if you want to print a list of commands that matched the ambiguous action they've entered. In which case you'll probably just want to avoid Text::Abbrev altogether and roll your own solution.
Which reminds me: I think I saw this in the Perl Cookbook... if you reverse the arguments of the pattern match, you can get the desired effect:
if ("hsbn" =~ /^$action/) {
# $action is "h", "hs", "hsb", or "hsbn"
Update (8:30 AM EDT): I just figured out a nifty way to do abbreviation matching and ambiguity reporting at the same time, with a regex, of course.
my $valid = join "\n", qw( hsbn admin help quit ... );
chomp(my $action = <STDIN>);
my @matches = $valid =~ /^($action.*)/mg;
if (@matches == 0) {
print "No command matched '$action'\n";
elsif (@matches > 1) {
print "Multiple commands matched '$action': [@matches]\n";
else {
print "You selected $matches[0].\n";
I think it's pretty clever. $valid is a string with newlines between every complete action name: "hsbn\nadmin\nhelp\nquit". The regex /^($action.*)/mg does a few things. First, the /m modifier means that the ^ in the regex matches at the beginning of the string OR after any internal newline. The ($action.*) part matches not only the abbreviation the user entered, but also the rest of the non-newline characters after it (i.e. the completion of the action name). The /g modifier returns all matches found, so that if they only entered 'h', you'd get back ("hsbn", "help"). I hope that's helpful for you.
UPDATE (9:30 PM EDT): Text::Abbreviate, coming to a CPAN mirror near you...
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Re: matching a regular expression
by blazar (Canon) on May 18, 2006 at 10:07 UTC
Hi monks, I need to match a user input, like for example if a user needs to enter "hsbn" , he can enter "h" or "hs" or "hsbn" or any portion of the string hsbn.
I suppose any portion starting from the beginning, right? If so, then how 'bout
print "ok\n" if 0 == index 'hsbn', $userinput; # ?
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Re: matching a regular expression
by GrandFather (Saint) on May 18, 2006 at 10:25 UTC
use strict;
use warnings;
my $state;
my $firstAttempt = 1;
while (1) {
if($firstAttempt) {
$state = promptUser("What network to listen for SNMP traps [hs
+bn or admin]? ", "admin"); ;
$firstAttempt = 0;
} else {
$state = lc promptUser("ERROR: $state Invalid Re-enter the net
if (0 == index 'hsbn', $state) {
$state = 'hsbn';
} elsif (0 == index 'admin', $state) {
$state = 'admin';
if ($state eq 'hsbn') {
#some action
Note that if you need to disambiguate between two strings that match for the first few characters you can require some number of characters thus:
if (0 == index 'hsbn', $state and length ($state) >= 2) {
DWIM is Perl's answer to Gödel
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my @matching=grep { 0 == index $_, $userinput } @commands;
Then take actions according to whether @matching==0, @matching==1 or @matching>=2. In the latter case depending on what the commands are actually supposed to do I would either emit a warning and decide upon priority (which may be given by the ordering of @commands itself) or ask the users to refine their input.
Update: minimal example follows.
use strict;
use warnings;
my @commands=qw/foo bar baz/;
print "Choose command [@commands]\n";
chomp(my $cmd=<STDIN>);
my @ok=grep { 0 == index $_, $cmd } @commands;
print "You chose [@ok]\n" and last if @ok==1;
warn +(@ok>1 ?
"Ambiguos command [@ok]" :
"Invalid command"), ", retry!\n";
Usage example:
$ ./
Choose command [foo bar baz]
Invalid command, retry!
You chose [foo]
$ ./
Choose command [foo bar baz]
Ambiguos command [bar baz], retry!
You chose [bar]
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Re: matching a regular expression
by johngg (Canon) on May 18, 2006 at 10:52 UTC
This regular expression would do what you want for the choices of "hsbn" or "admin" and capture what the user entered in $1 for later processing.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $rxInput = qr
print "What network? ";
my $resp;
chomp($resp = <STDIN>);
print "Invalid response\n" unless $resp =~ $rxInput;
# Do something here with $1
I hope this is of use. Cheers, JohnGG
Update: Noticed and corrected cut-and-paste error where I initialised a prompt string rather than printing it. | [reply] [d/l] [select] |
Re: matching a regular expression
by turo (Friar) on May 18, 2006 at 10:08 UTC
my $valid = 0;
my $state;
my $firstAttempt = 1;
if($firstAttempt) {
$state = promptUser("What network to listen for SNMP t
+raps [hsbn or admin]? ", "admin");
$firstAttempt = 0;
else {
$state = promptUser("ERROR:$state Invalid Re-enter the
+ network", "admin");
if($state =~ /^hsbn|admin$/) {
$valid = 1;
if ($state =~ /^hsbn$/i) {
//some action for hsbn
} elsif ( $state =~ /^hsb$/ ) {
//some action for hsb
} elsif ( $state =~ /^hs$/) {
//some action for hs
} elsif ( $state =~ /^h$/ ) {
//some action for h
good luck
perl -Te 'print map { chr((ord)-((10,20,2,7)[$i++])) } split //,"turo"'
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Re: matching a regular expression
by Jasper (Chaplain) on May 18, 2006 at 14:16 UTC
How about:
"hsbn" =~ /^$state/ || "admin" =~ /^$state/
I think that should work. Unless I'm not seeing something :) | [reply] [d/l] |
That's a good trick, as long as the user's input is trusted; otherwise it may cause arbitrary perl code to execute. If you filtered their input to only letters and numbers, it would be safe.
Update:ikegami points out that this is only true if use re 'eval'; is on, and perlre(1) confirms this. \Q/\E should help with the possibility of creating a really slow regex, and reduce the chances of tickling a bug in Perl's regex engion that turns out to be exploitable.
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my $input = '(?{ print("Hello World!\\n") })';
print(qq{Without "use re 'eval';":\n});
eval {
'' =~ /$input/;
warn($@) if $@;
print(qq{With "use re 'eval';":\n});
eval {
use re 'eval';
'' =~ /$input/;
warn("Died: $@") if $@;
Without "use re 'eval';":
Died: Eval-group not allowed at runtime, use re 'eval' in regex m/(?{
+print("Hello World!\n") })/.
With "use re 'eval';":
Hello World!
On the other hand, some regexps take forever to execute. Some might even crash perl.
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Ah, yes, I see what you mean. Easily solved with a \Q, though.
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Re: matching a regular expression
by TedPride (Priest) on May 18, 2006 at 19:31 UTC
Just insert whatever code words you want to check for, as an array:
$partial = 'sb';
for (qw/hsbn admin/) {
$valid = 1, last if index($_, $partial) != -1;
print $valid ? 'Woohoo!' : 'Blah...';
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Re: matching a regular expression
by HuckinFappy (Pilgrim) on May 18, 2006 at 15:29 UTC
Being a "Perl Best Practices" lemming, I think I'd end up with something like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Prompt;
use Switch 'Perl6';
my $hsbnNet = 'h|hs|hsb|hsbn';
my $adminNet = 'a|ad|adm|admi|admin';
my $prompt = "What network to listen for SNMP traps [hsbn or admin]? "
my $response =
prompt( $prompt,
-require => {
"Must select either hsbn or admin.\n$prompt" =>
qr/^(?:$hsbnNet)$|^(?:$adminNet)$/i } );
given ( "$response" ) {
when /$hsbnNet/ { ListenOnHsbn(); }
when /$adminNet/ { ListenOnAdmin(); }
sub ListenOnHsbn {
print "Listening on hsbn Net\n";
sub ListenOnAdmin {
print "Listening on Admin Net\n";
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You'd have to try a lot harder for me to think you were being rude...with apologies to Douglas Adams, I eat ruder things than you with my breakfast cereal :)
The PBP portion of my post was really the IO::Prompt stuff. That early in the morning, I was confusing PBP and "Perl 6 Now" when I pulled in the Switch module. Thanks for pointing it out, I shouldn't have given the impression that the Switch idea was a Damian recommendation.
As to your other comment, I'm dragging this morning, and am not seeing what you're suggesting. Could you enlighten me?
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