andromeda:davidj sums > cat #!/usr/bin/perl # puzzles parameters my $dim = $ARGV[0]; my $coverage = $ARGV[1]; # creation flags my ($finished,$create_attempts,$total_locs,$num_filled) = (0,0,0,0); # left column and top row totals my (@acr_ar, @down_ar) = ((), ()); # hashes used to test for connected graph my (%list, %visited); # hashes to track sequence information my (%across, %down, %intersect); # arrays used to hold order of longest sequences in each direction my (@across_order, @down_order); # main grid my @g; # since this uses a brute force method # there is a chance of failure. Try 5 and bail until($finished || $create_attempts == 5) { my ($complete,$attempts) = (0,0); until ($complete) { @g = (); &init_grid() && &fill_grid(); next unless &check_coverage() && &check_grid(); $complete = &test_connected(); } &set_across() && &set_down() && &set_intersect(); $finished = &set_numbers() until $finished || $attempts++ == 5; $create_attempts++; } if($finished) { @down_ar = map {' ' x 7} (1 .. $dim); @acr_ar = map {' ' x 7} (1 .. $dim); &set_totals(); &display_puzzle(); print "\n\n"; &display_solution(); } else { print "could not create puzzle\n"; } # initial grid to all '-' sub init_grid() { for(my $i = 0; $i < $dim; $i++) { for(my $j = 0; $j < $dim; $j++) { $g[$i][$j] = '-'; } } return 1; } # fill the grid with '@' markers that will be later filled with numbers sub fill_grid() { my $c = $dim; for(my $i = 0; $i < $dim-1; $i++) { for(my $j = 0; $j < $c-1; $j++) { if (int(rand(4)) % 4 == 0) { $g[$i][$j] = $g[$i][$j+1] = $g[$i+1][$j] = $g[$i+1][$j+1] = '@'; my $ni = ($dim - 2) - $i; my $nj = ($dim - 2) - $j; $g[$ni][$nj] = $g[$ni][$nj+1] = $g[$ni+1][$nj] = $g[$ni+1][$nj+1] = '@'; } else { $g[$i][$j] = $g[($dim-1)-$i][($dim-1)-$j] = "-" unless $g[$i][$j] eq '@'; } } $c--; } return 1; } # make sure the coverage threshold is met (grab total coverage at same time) sub check_coverage () { $total_locs = 0; for(my $i = 0; $i < $dim; $i++) { for(my $j = 0; $j < $dim; $j++) { $total_locs++ if $g[$i][$j] eq "@"; } } return ($total_locs / ($dim * $dim)) >= $coverage ? 1 : 0; } # make sure there are no sequences greater than length 9 # we need to do this since one of the constraints of the # puzzle is that the numbers 1-9 cannot be repeated in # a sequence sub check_grid() { my ($countH, $countV) = (0,0); for(my $i = 0; $i < $dim; $i++) { for(my $j = 0; $j < $dim; $j++) { $g[$i][$j] eq "@" ? $countH++ : ($countH = 0); $g[$j][$i] eq "@" ? $countV++ : ($countV = 0); return 0 if ($countH > 9 or $countV > 9); } $countH = $countV = 0; } return 1; } # depth first search to test for connectivity sub DFS () { my $v = shift; my @links; $visited{$v} = "true"; @links = sort {$a <=> $b} (@{ $list{$v} }); foreach my $link ( @links ) { &DFS($link) if $visited{$link} eq "false"; } } # self-explanatory sub display_solution () { my $num = ($dim+1) * 8; print "\n" . "-" x $num . "\n"; print '| '; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $dim; $i++) { print '|' . $acr_ar[$i]; } print "\n" . "-" x $num . "\n"; for(my $i = 0; $i < $dim; $i++) { print '|' . $down_ar[$i] . '|'; for(my $j = 0; $j < $dim; $j++) { printf("%8s", $g[$i][$j] . ' |'); } print "\n" . '-' x $num . "\n"; } } # self-explanatory sub display_puzzle() { my $num = ($dim+1) * 8; print "\n" . "-" x $num . "\n"; print '| '; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $dim; $i++) { print '|' . $acr_ar[$i]; } print "\n" . "-" x $num . "\n"; for(my $i = 0; $i < $dim; $i++) { print '|' . $down_ar[$i] . '|'; for(my $j = 0; $j < $dim; $j++) { if($g[$i][$j] =~ m/[:-]/) { printf("%8s", $g[$i][$j] . ' |'); } else { printf("%8s", ' ' . ' |'); } } print "\n" . '-' x $num . "\n"; } } # get the list of numbers that are not used in the # row and column that intersect the current location sub get_unused() { my ($aref,$bref,$dref) = @_; my (@ar, %seen); foreach my $elm ( @{$aref},@{$bref} ) { $seen{$elm} = 1; } foreach my $elm ( @{$dref} ) { push @ar, $elm unless $seen{$elm}; } return @ar; } # create list of all connecting locations. # locations are connected if an adjacent n,s,e, or w # location also has a number in it sub make_list () { %list = (); for(my $i = 0; $i < $dim; $i++) { for(my $j = 0; $j < $dim; $j++) { if($g[$i][$j] eq "@") { push(@{ $list{($i*$dim)+$j} }, (($i-1)*$dim)+$j) if ($i>0 and ($g[$i-1][$j] eq '@')); push(@{ $list{($i*$dim)+$j} }, (($i+1)*$dim)+$j) if $g[$i+1][$j] eq "@"; push(@{ $list{($i*$dim)+$j} }, ($i*$dim)+($j-1)) if ($j>0 and ($g[$i][$j-1] eq '@')); push(@{ $list{($i*$dim)+$j} }, ($i*$dim) + ($j+1)) if $g[$i][$j+1] eq "@"; } } } return 1; } # get a hash of all row sequence starting locations and all # the adjacent locations that make up the sequence. # also get the size of the sequence. We use this later # in determining which sequences to fill first sub set_across () { %across = (); for(my $i = 0; $i < $dim; $i++) { for(my $j = 0; $j < $dim; $j++) { if($g[$i][$j] eq "@") { my @locs = (); my $start = ($i * $dim) + $j; push(@locs, ($i * $dim) + $j++) while($g[$i][$j] eq "@"); $across{$start}->{locs} = [ @locs ]; } } } @across_order = reverse sort { scalar(@{ $across{$a}->{locs} }) <=> scalar(@{ $across{$b}->{locs} }) } keys %across; return 1; } # same as set_across, except for columnar sequences sub set_down () { %down = (); for(my $j = 0; $j < $dim; $j++) { for(my $i = 0; $i < $dim; $i++) { if($g[$i][$j] eq "@") { my @locs = (); my $start = ($i * $dim) + $j; push(@locs, ($i++ * $dim) + $j) while($g[$i][$j] eq "@"); $down{$start}->{locs} = [ @locs ]; } } } @down_order = reverse sort { scalar(@{ $down{$a}->{locs} }) <=> scalar(@{ $down{$b}->{locs} }) } keys %down; return 1; } # determine the across and down sequences that intersect # at each location to be filled. This will be needed to # guarantee each sequence contains unique numbers sub set_intersect () { my ($aw, $dw); %intersect = (); for(my $i = 0; $i < $dim; $i++) { for(my $j = 0; $j < $dim; $j++) { if($g[$i][$j] eq "@") { my $loc = ($i * $dim) + $j; foreach my $apos (keys %across) { if(grep { $_ == $loc } @{ $across{$apos}->{locs} }) { $aw = $apos; last; } } foreach my $dpos (keys %down) { if(grep { $_ == $loc } @{ $down{$dpos}->{locs} }) { $dw = $dpos; last; } } $intersect{$loc} = [$aw, $dw]; } } } return 1; } # fill the sequences with unique numbers sub set_numbers () { my ($cur, $cur_a, $cur_d, $cur_loc, $dir, $aw, $dw, $nd, $nl); my (@grid_locs, @unused); my @digits = (1 .. 9); #initialize variables @grid_locs = @unused = (); $num_filled = 0; # use copies of data structures since we may need to # attempt this more than once @tmp_grid = @g; %tmp_across = %across; %tmp_down = %down; @tmp_across_order = @across_order; @tmp_down_order = @down_order; # we loop until all locations have been filled while( $total_locs != $num_filled) { # get the sequence with the greatest number of unfilled locations. # we do this because it will be the hardest to fill @grid_locs = (); while(1) { if(scalar(@{ $tmp_across{$tmp_across_order[0]}->{locs} }) >= scalar(@{ $tmp_down{$tmp_down_order[0]}->{locs} }) ) { $cur = shift @tmp_across_order; ($nl, $nd) = ( scalar(@{ $tmp_across{$cur}->{locs} }), scalar(@{ $tmp_across{$cur}->{nums} }) ); $dir = "a"; } else { $cur = shift @tmp_down_order; ($nl, $nd) = (scalar(@{ $tmp_down{$cur}->{locs} }), scalar(@{ $tmp_down{$cur}->{nums} }) ); $dir = "d"; } last if $nl > $nd; } # get array of grid locations of retreived sequence to place numbers in @grid_locs = ($dir eq "a" ? @{ $tmp_across{$cur}->{locs} } : @{ $tmp_down{$cur}->{locs} }); #iterate over the locations and place numbers while(scalar(@grid_locs) > 0) { @unused = (); $cur_loc = shift @grid_locs; # if the current location is already filled we can skip it ($cur_a, $cur_d) = ( (int($cur_loc / $dim)), ($cur_loc % $dim) ); next if $tmp_grid[$cur_a][$cur_d] ne "@"; # get the row and column sequences that intersect at this location # we need this information becuase of the unique number constraint # get the numbers that have NOT been used in either sequence. # fail if all numbers have been used ($aw, $dw) = (@{ $intersect{$cur_loc} }); @unused = &get_unused(\@{$tmp_across{$aw}->{nums}}, \@{$tmp_down{$dw}->{nums}}, \@digits); return 0 if scalar(@unused) == 0; $number = $unused[ int(rand(scalar(@unused))) ]; # store number in grid location. # also, add to the list of numbers used and add to running totals $tmp_grid[$cur_a][$cur_d] = $number; push( @{ $tmp_across{$aw}->{nums} }, $number); $tmp_across{$aw}->{total} += $number; push( @{ $tmp_down{$dw}->{nums} }, $number); $tmp_down{$dw}->{total} += $number; $num_filled++; } } # if we get this far then all is good, so copy back @g = @tmp_grid; %across = %tmp_across; %down = %tmp_down; @across_order = @tmp_across_order; @down_order = @tmp_down_order; return 1; } # used for display purposes. enters the sequence totals on the grid. sub set_totals () { foreach my $key (sort keys %down) { my ($x,$y) = ( int($key/$dim) - 1, $key % $dim ); if($key < $dim) { $acr_ar[$key] = ' ' x (4 - length($down{$key}->{total})) . $down{$key}->{total} . ': '; } if($x >= 0) { $g[$x][$y] = $down{$key}->{total} . ':'; } } foreach my $key (sort keys %across) { my ($x,$y) = ( int($key/$dim), ($key % $dim) -1 ); if ($y >= 0) { $g[$x][$y] =~ s/-//g; $g[$x][$y] .= ":" . $across{$key}->{total}; $g[$x][$y] =~ s/::/:/; } else { $down_ar[$x] = ' :' . $across{$key}->{total} . ' ' x (4 - length($across{$key}->{total})); } } } # one constraint of the puzzle is that it must be 'connected' # connected means that each square containing a number is # part of an across sequence and down sequence # uses dfs to test for connectivity sub test_connected () { my $searches = 0; my @vertices = (); &make_list(); @vertices = sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %list); %visited = map { $_ => "false" } @vertices; foreach my $vertex (@vertices) { if($visited{$vertex} eq "false") { $searches++; &DFS($vertex); } } return $searches > 1 ? 0 : 1; } #### andromeda:davidj sums > perl 7 .6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | 10: | 23: | | 12: | 31: | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | :12 | | | 37:9 | | | 36: | 9: | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | :30 | | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | :36 | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | 8:14 | | |19:14 | | | - | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | :25 | | | | | | | 11: | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | :39 | | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | - | :10 | | | :7 | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- SOLUTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | 10: | 23: | | 12: | 31: | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | :12 | 9 | 3 | 37:9 | 3 | 6 | 36: | 9: | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | :30 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 5 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | :36 | 2 | 8 | 7 | 9 | 6 | 4 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | 8:14 | 5 | 9 |19:14 | 5 | 9 | - | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | :25 | 5 | 1 | 6 | 2 | 7 | 4 | 11: | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | :39 | 3 | 8 | 5 | 9 | 1 | 7 | 6 | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | - | :10 | 2 | 8 | :7 | 2 | 5 | ----------------------------------------------------------------