This works with Perl v5.8.8 without any compile error. But no script output. :( Its a little bit radical against PHP, but well, its only for fun. Dont take it too serious :)
my $nation;
no warnings; goto hell or die 'PHP!!11';
$nation; BEGIN { our $mission and kill if PHP }
use constant { Perl, 'Programming', all, time };
require abs Perl and not undef$ined; sub knowledges {};
hell: warn if PHP and not Perl;
heaven: do index all, knowledges if not Perl
and not try { require PHP if defined };
require Switch and delete $evil{PHP};
Oh_Yes: do { PHP => Perl } for all, time;
ref (our $best), knowledges() and listen Perl,power;
END { our $mission and return if all }# is done
bless [qw/the holy folk of/], Perl for (local $happiness);
(C) 2006 by Paul C. Buetow (