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Re: OT: would this ENV setup make you blow your lid too?

by gellyfish (Monsignor)
on Jun 08, 2006 at 11:15 UTC ( [id://554260]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to OT: would this ENV setup make you blow your lid too?

Er, after you calm down maybe you can explain how you output this environment? There seems to be an implication that this comes from a web application, however this looks very much like the kind of environment that you would find in an interactive shell on Linux for instance, and taken in that context this seems quite restrained - I appear to have twice as much stuff in %ENV.


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Re^2: OT: would this ENV setup make you blow your lid too?
by leocharre (Priest) on Jun 08, 2006 at 14:38 UTC
    use Data::Dumper; print STDERR Dumper (\%ENV);

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