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Re^2: pod2usage question

by Anonymous Monk
on Jun 11, 2006 at 13:45 UTC ( [id://554676]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: pod2usage question
in thread pod2usage question

Hello all, Same problem, resolved by converting the script file to unix end-of-line with dos2unix.

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Re^3: pod2usage question
by planetscape (Chancellor) on Jun 11, 2006 at 20:21 UTC

    Ah, yes. This has given me problems before, often with Unix-style programs operating on DOS-style data. Good to remember to check for these sorts of issues.

    In the quest for a utility to convert between *nix and DOS newlines on a regular basis, I have found flip: Newline conversion between Unix, Macintosh and MS-DOS ASCII files to be useful. It not only converts between DOS and Unix file formats, but also includes a handy -t command-line switch to tell you which format a given file uses.



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