i'm going crazy....can someone tell me what's going on here?
my code:
print p("line 109");
print start_form({ -action => "$thisscript",
-method => "post" });
print hidden('action','logout');
print submit('Logout');
print end_form;
print p("line 115");
the resulting HTML:
line 109
<form method="post" action="ti_login.pl" enctype="multipart/form-data"
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="login" /><input type="submi
+t" tabindex="1" name="Logout" value="Logout" /><div></div></form><p>
line 115
why is it assigning the value to the hidden input "action" as "login", when it should be "logout"??
i do have another conditional loop in the script that assigns the hidden input named "action" to the value "login", and that's why i put the silly print lines in to make sure i was not looping out to another part of the code inadvertantly...
any help appreciated, and my apologies in advance for raising such a ridiculous problem to great minds here, but i'm out of ideas!! (and stumped as to what could be happening) TIA