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PerlMonks |
Objects as arrays but with autogenerated getters + settersby tinita (Parson) |
on Jun 26, 2006 at 20:51 UTC ( [id://557659]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
tinita has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
hi monks,
I'm a big fan of objects that are implemented as arrays. also, with arrays instead of hashes, I can't be tempted to access the attributes by accessing the hash directly. I can't find a module on CPAN that does that for me. Class::Accessor and similar modules use hashes.
any comments? If noone finds that a useful module it's probably worthless to upload it. I'm also seeking for a better name. update: maybe Class::Accessor::Fast::Array would be a possibility. that would keep it simple and follow the standard of Class::Accessor update2: marty (Class::Accessor) actually will release an additional module that would work like my C::A::F::Array idea. he has the code ready, it just needs to be tested and released.
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