in reply to Re: Objects as arrays but with autogenerated getters + setters
in thread Objects as arrays but with autogenerated getters + setters

thanks, I'll have a look at it. after a quick glance, I didn't find out how to use get_attr and set_attr method names, though.
  • Comment on Re^2: Objects as arrays but with autogenerated getters + setters

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Re^3: Objects as arrays but with autogenerated getters + setters
by Solo (Deacon) on Jun 26, 2006 at 22:34 UTC

    package Foo; use Class::MakeMethods::Template::Array ( 'new' => 'new', 'scalar' => [ -interface=> { 'get_*'=>'get', 'set_*'=>'set' }, qw/ name age city job salary /, ], ); package main; use Data::Dumper; my $foo = Foo->new(); $foo->set_name("foo"); $foo->set_age(100); warn Data::Dumper->Dump([$foo], ['foo']); print $foo->get_age,$/; $foo->set_age(23); print $foo->get_age,$/;


    You said you wanted to be around when I made a mistake; well, this could be it, sweetheart.
      thank you so much. sometimes one needs such an example to get a starting point =)