I also noticed that if a module has a corresponding POD file (for example: POSIX.pm and POSIX.pod) the description is in the POD file and won't get picked up at all. I applied this patch which seems to fix this (it also prevents POSIX.pm from appearing twice in the resulting list):
< return unless /\.p(?:m|od)\z/;
< s/\.pod\z/.pm/; # if it's POD, parse t
+he corresponding code
< return if not -f;
> return unless -f and /\A(.+)\.pm\z/;
> my $module = $1;
> my $version = get_module_version( "$mo
+dule.pm" ) || -e "$module.pod" && get_module_version(
+ "$module.pod" );
> my $desc = get_module_description(
+"$module.pm", $opt_limit ) || -e "$module.pod" && get_module_descript
+ion( "$module.pod", $opt_limit );
< get_module_version( $_ ),
< get_module_description( $_, $o
+pt_limit ),
< $opt_path ? $File::Find::name
+: undef,
> $version,
> $desc,
> $opt_path ? $File::Find::name
+: undef