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Re^2: best xml parser to use

by Jenda (Abbot)
on Aug 14, 2006 at 17:19 UTC ( [id://567287]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: best xml parser to use
in thread best xml parser to use

if ($xml->is_simple() and $xml->is_table_like()) { use XML::RAX; } elsif (size($xml) < too_big()) { use XML::Simple; } else { use XML::Twig; ... my $Data = $DataObj->simplify(forcearray => [...], keyattr =>{ ... } +, group_tags => {...}); }

Update 2007-2-6: Tastes change. While I would probably still use XML::RAX for some tasks with table-like XML and XML::Simple for very simple XMLs, I'd most probably use my XML::Rules now. May look a bit twisted at first, but it's convenient and powerfull. IMHO of course ;-)

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