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Re^6: Quick way to set up columns with Class::DBI ?

by jfrm (Monk)
on Aug 21, 2006 at 13:29 UTC ( [id://568538]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^5: Quick way to set up columns with Class::DBI ?
in thread Quick way to set up columns with Class::DBI ?

OK, thanks once again for your extremely prompt help. I am happy to keep plugging away for now. It's very frustrating but I do take your point on prereqs etc. I've tried to install Rose::DB and I think this is the problem. I don't have a compiler, I don't think. Have done a bit of searching but can't find anything pertinent. This has me beat at the moment so any pointers gratefully received.

(also I struggle to see the remotest reason why I might need anything to do with a TTY for my application but there you are...)
Warning: prerequisite IO::Tty 0 not found. Writing Makefile for junoscript-perl ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during [J/JU/JUNOS/junoscript-p +erl-6.4I0.tar.gz] ----- IO::Tty Shall I follow them and prepend them to the queue of modules we are processing right now? [yes] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running make install Delayed until after prerequisites Running install for module IO::Tty Running make for R/RG/RGIERSIG/IO-Tty-1.07.tar.gz Checksum for \.cpan\sources\authors\id\R\RG\RGIERSIG\IO-Tty-1.07.tar.g +z ok IO-Tty-1.07/ IO-Tty-1.07/ChangeLog IO-Tty-1.07/Makefile.PL IO-Tty-1.07/MANIFEST IO-Tty-1.07/META.yml IO-Tty-1.07/ IO-Tty-1.07/README IO-Tty-1.07/ IO-Tty-1.07/try IO-Tty-1.07/ IO-Tty-1.07/Tty.xs Going to build R/RG/RGIERSIG/IO-Tty-1.07.tar.gz Now let's see what we can find out about your system (logfiles of failing tests are available in the conf/ dir)... ERROR: cannot run the configured compiler 'cl' (see conf/compilerok.log). Suggestions: 1) The complier 'cl' is not in your PATH. Add it to the PATH and try again. OR 2) The compiler isn't installed on your system. Install it. OR 3) You only have a different compiler installed (e.g. 'gcc'). Either fix the compiler config in the perl or install a perl that was built with the right compiler (you could build perl yourself with the available compiler). Note: this is a system-administration issue, please ask your local admin for help. Thank you. Running make test Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't test Running make install Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't install

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Re^7: Quick way to set up columns with Class::DBI ?
by cees (Curate) on Aug 21, 2006 at 14:22 UTC

    Let me guess... You are trying to install Rose::DB from the command line like this:

    cpan install Rose::DB

    What happens here is that CPAN tries to install a package called 'install' and then it tries to install a package named 'Rose::DB'. junoscript-perl comes with a package called 'install' so you are trying to install junoscript-perl, and that is failing.

    So what you are seeing is not a Rose::DB problem, but a cpan usage problem and a junoscript-perl problem. Try it like this instead:

    cpan Rose::DB

    Here are some other people who have discovered the same annoying side-effect...

      Yes, that did it. At least it got rid of the TTY problem, thanks very much indeed. There's another one failing now but I can fix that, luckily.
Re^7: Quick way to set up columns with Class::DBI ?
by siracusa (Friar) on Aug 21, 2006 at 14:29 UTC

    (Update: The post above by cees seems like the real explanation.)

    (also I struggle to see the remotest reason why I might need anything to do with a TTY for my application but there you are...)

    As do I. IO::Tty is not a direct prerequisite of anything in Rose::DB::*, nor is it an indirect prerequisite as far as I know. I don't even have that module installed, and I can pass the test suite running against all supported databases on Mac OS X and Linux. Maybe it's some sort of Win32 thing?

    I use perl on Unix so I'm not very familiar with with the vagaries of perl on Win32. (I have gone through the DateTime PPM hunt before, however.) But as I said before, Rose:: is all pure perl, so no compiler should be required directly. For the few prerequisite modules that do require a compiler (e.g., DateTime), you should be able to hunt down PPMs.

    You might have better luck asking on the RDBO mailing list. I'm pretty sure at least a few of the subscribers run RDBO on Win32.

      I've now got Rose installed on my client but it's failing on my server due to DateTime. I noticed your mention of the "DateTime PPM hunt" - does this mean you know something I should know??

      WRT DateTime only, so far the following modules have failed with CPAN but I have installed them using PPM:


      But DateTime itself doesn't seem to be on the AS repository and CPAN won't install it either. Stuck again...any pointers?

        The "DateTime PPM hunt" recalls the time I tried to get DateTime installed on Windows and had to track down a PPM. I've long since forgotten where I found it. Maybe take a look at these mailing list posts to find some pointers. this one seems promising, assuming you know what to do with a "PPD file" (I don't).

        There's also this list of pre-built PPM files which appears to include DateTime and related modules. (Also available for "ActiveState 6xx," whatever that means). The DateTime page at that site has a bunch of PPM-related links at the bottom.

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