OK, thanks once again for your extremely prompt help. I am happy to keep plugging away for now. It's very frustrating but I do take your point on prereqs etc. I've tried to install
Rose::DB and I think this is the problem. I don't have a compiler, I don't think. Have done a bit of searching but can't find anything pertinent. This has me beat at the moment so any pointers gratefully received.
(also I struggle to see the remotest reason why I might need anything to do with a TTY for my application but there you are...)
Warning: prerequisite IO::Tty 0 not found.
Writing Makefile for junoscript-perl
---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during [J/JU/JUNOS/junoscript-p
+erl-6.4I0.tar.gz] -----
Shall I follow them and prepend them to the queue
of modules we are processing right now? [yes]
Running make test
Delayed until after prerequisites
Running make install
Delayed until after prerequisites
Running install for module IO::Tty
Running make for R/RG/RGIERSIG/IO-Tty-1.07.tar.gz
Checksum for \.cpan\sources\authors\id\R\RG\RGIERSIG\IO-Tty-1.07.tar.g
+z ok
CPAN.pm: Going to build R/RG/RGIERSIG/IO-Tty-1.07.tar.gz
Now let's see what we can find out about your system
(logfiles of failing tests are available in the conf/ dir)...
ERROR: cannot run the configured compiler 'cl'
(see conf/compilerok.log). Suggestions:
1) The complier 'cl' is not in your PATH. Add it
to the PATH and try again. OR
2) The compiler isn't installed on your system. Install it. OR
3) You only have a different compiler installed (e.g. 'gcc').
Either fix the compiler config in the perl Config.pm
or install a perl that was built with the right compiler
(you could build perl yourself with the available compiler).
Note: this is a system-administration issue, please ask your local
admin for help. Thank you.
Running make test
Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't test
Running make install
Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't install