in reply to SVK

In my opinion, the real power of SVK is that it gives you personal version control, while integrating easily with a master repository. It does this by letting you make a local branch that you can check-in to without affecting the master repository.

svk cp // //local/ svn co //local/

From that point, you can check-in your work incrementally while working totally offline on your own private branch. This is pretty important if you practice test-driven development -- after each new test passes, check in the code.

After reconnecting to the network, you can pull down changes from the master, resolve any conflicts, and push (merge) your changes back upstream.

# while on the network svk pull # go offline and do your work # reconnect to network and get any updates svk pull # resolve conflicts # merge changes back upstream svk push

I often work on my laptop on planes or other places without connectivity and this rocks. Even when I'm on the network, I generally use a local branch as it's really fast to check-in. It's like coding with a safety net.


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