Template Toolkit does not allow recursively including template files, but you can use a VIEW to recurse over a data structure. VIEWs are still experimental but it works for me.
use Template; use strict; use warnings; my $t = Template->new; my @nodes = ( {name => "one"}, {name => "two", children => [ {name => "red"}, {name => "green"} ] }, {name => "three", children => [ {name => "blah", children => [ {name => "yakko" }, {name => "wacko" }, {name => "dot" } ] } ] } ); $t->process("", { nodes => \@nodes } );

And the template:

[% VIEW nested_list %] [% BLOCK list %] <ul> [% FOREACH i IN item %] <li>[% %]</li> [% IF i.children %] [% view.print(i.children.list) %] [% END %] [% END %] </ul> [% END %] [% END %] [% nested_list.print(nodes) %]

And that outputs: