I've noticed 818 perl modules(packages) listed on this site. I agree, this task is complex. But having 818 modules for single task looks like no one of them really solved it. :(
The 818 modules are a nearly exhaustive list of any email-related module
available from CPAN, and they're certainly not all for a single task. The list includes POP3 clients, SMTP servers, MIME parsers, local delivery agents, pipemailers, antispam tools, etc, etc.
The reason they're all listed on the PEP wiki is to provide an easy way to
categorize and annotate the modules, so that a subset of those modules can be recommended and improved as the current "best practice" for email handling in Perl.
UPDATE: I've checked them. They are far away from compliance to all RFC I've listed. :( So, my question is still actual: is there exists realization compliant to all (or most) listed RFCs?
Well, given that I use quite a few of those modules on a daily basis, I
find it hard to believe that they're all "far away" from compliance. Do
you have any specific issues to point out?