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Re: I love XML::Twig

by mirod (Canon)
on Oct 06, 2006 at 08:28 UTC ( [id://576629]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to I love XML::Twig

Well, first thanks for the praise, I appreciate. And this is Open-Source, you can port the module to Java, provided there is a Java interface with expat (although I don't see one in the list of expat wrappers).

This reminds me that a few years back, around 2000 I think, I got an email from a PHP guy, who seemed to be quite new to the language actually, who wanted to port XML::Twig to PHP. So I sent him an email explaining the design of the module, what I thought would be easy to do, and what might be a little harder... that was a pretty long email... and that's the last I ever heard from him!

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Re^2: I love XML::Twig
by Skeeve (Parson) on Oct 06, 2006 at 13:31 UTC

    Hi mirod!

    I didn't know XML::Twig's developer is a monk too... OTOH: This is the logical place to be, isn't it?

    In regards to poreting to Java: I'd love to be able to do that. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure I can't. My Java knowledge is not even near average, I think.


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