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Re: I love XML::Twig

by dimar (Curate)
on Oct 06, 2006 at 16:19 UTC ( [id://576704]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to I love XML::Twig

Congrats on your enthusiasm for XML::Twig. One of its most noteworthy attributes is its ability to make XML itself more 'perlish'. Consequently, you may have many AHA! moments when you realize how much more flexibility you have when dealing with XML.
I only wish there were an "XML::Twig for Java".
You aren't the only one. In fact, many features of perl and its progeny are slowly sneaking into a JVM near you through any of several back doors. See [Groovy] and "Groovy XML Handling" for example. Another example of cross-language "idea borrowing" ... to put it charitably. (search for "XML Handling")

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