Hi, Great site, very popular around the world. I am new here and grateful to be here. I have one question:

Is there a way to post in a conventional manner - such that I don't have to add line breaks - and paragraph marks

where the site just accepts my text in a way that other sites do, ie. it basically posts what I wrote with no additional coding needed?

After coding all day, I suppose I would be happy not to code questions about my code...if you know what I mean.

I think I'm getting carpel tunnel syndrome, and yet Microsoft and some sites want to add keystroke upon keystroke and sometimes I ask, "Are all those extra keystrokes necessary?"

Human bodies do wear out after all. Ask around at those who are at the computer all day if extra keystrokes matter or not.

I could be wrong...but I think they do and curse apps that love to add them.

Of course, peace and love all around here...because surely there is a way to avoid the extra keystrokes? How hard would it be to accept text as typed as default but allowing users to choose the Carpel Path if they desire that?


