Forgive me, for I have sinned.
I have:
- Read perlmonks while camping, on my cellphone
- Read perlmonks during a lunchbreak on my cellphone
- Stayed awake hours after my girlfriend fell asleep, to answer a few questions.
- Written a node on a sunday, but waited until monday to post - because sunday posts always get lower XP
- Felt dissapointment when a node that I thought was reasonably well written received 0-1 XP
- Wrote a perl daemon to track my XP in a local database, and used a mozilla plugin to display current XP in the status bar
- Have not explained many of my downvotes (though I am doing it more often now)
- Looked for other good nodes by someone who helped me, and upvoted a few. The nodes genuinely deserved the vote, but..