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Re^3: Web Browser File Upload Progress Bar in Perl w/AJAX

by Devanchya (Beadle)
on Dec 12, 2006 at 04:46 UTC ( [id://589214]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Web Browser File Upload Progress Bar in Perl w/AJAX
in thread Web Browser File Upload Progress Bar in Perl w/AJAX

Most timeout problems are apache configuration, and I'd recommend not uploading files over a certain size via the web anyways. The issue becomes more "User" and less "programming" after awhile. People do not wait. You can flash a giant blinking orb with sounds saying "PLEASE WAIT WHILE THE FILE UPLOADS" and you will still get people canceling the upload because they are sick of waiting

BTW CGI::Ajax is a nice module to use if you haven't checked it out. Also if they are uploading images, once thing you can look at is a Java or ActiveX control that allows them to paste the clipboard to the web portal. This gives you the option to set how much compression the image gets and cut down the upload option. (I've used an ActiveX control called Online Image Editor for years and it sends data to the server using Base64).

If this does not help you at all, then hopefully it will give someone else some ideas. --

Even smart people are dumb in most things...
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Re^4: Web Browser File Upload Progress Bar in Perl w/AJAX
by Anonymous Monk on Mar 27, 2012 at 14:57 UTC

    I am testing this program and it work with Firefox, but I have problem with Explorer: I don't see the progress bar.

    Have you a solution?


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