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Best way to get in touch with me

by vroom (His Eminence)
on Feb 16, 2001 at 23:17 UTC ( [id://58944]=poll: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Vote on this poll

Call my Cell Phone
[bar] 138/21%
Page me
[bar] 14/2%
E-mail me
[bar] 283/42%
/msg me
[bar] 42/6%
Carrier Pigeons
[bar] 25/4%
Smoke Signals
[bar] 25/4%
Bat Signal
[bar] 106/16%
[bar] 33/5%
666 total votes
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by Blue (Hermit) on Feb 17, 2001 at 00:48 UTC
    Heck, I can't stand cell phones. My company wants to pay for one, and I still don't want it. I feel their very invasive of my personal space. Someone can bother me at any time, and if it's a work phone I can't keep it off. Heck, I sometimes don't answer my home phone if I'm in the middle of things - I don't like being a slave to it.

    I have a two-way pager - I need to be contactable for work, but if you don't merit a response during my off hours, you don't get a response. I annoy people when they page me with the message "call me", and I respond "No. Tell me what the issue is." You're the snob assuming I'm near a phone. Anyone I actually work with knows I don't carry a mobile. If I need to call, I have a work calling card they got me because I refused to take the cell, but 99 44/100% of the calls I can answer with a pager or actually need to log on, so a phoen wouldn't help anyway.

    Let me get off my soapbox now.

    =Blue might be eaten by a grue...

      I have to agree with your comments on this one. Sounds like the two-way pager is a neat little trick. I've got a cell but that still does not help with most of the problems. I generally have to be at my machine, so emailing me would be better in most cases.. but oh well.

      Roy Alan

Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by life_monger (Hermit) on Feb 16, 2001 at 23:45 UTC
    After 5:00 on a Friday, the best way is to bring me a Corona at my local Cantina :-)
Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by Albannach (Monsignor) on Feb 16, 2001 at 23:41 UTC
    E-mail to my cellphone is the best bet actually, as I screen my voice calls with extreme prejudice.

    I'd like to be able to assign to an luser

Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by AgentM (Curate) on Feb 17, 2001 at 10:34 UTC
Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by Zo (Scribe) on Feb 16, 2001 at 23:56 UTC
    ... why do you want to know how to get in touch with me?..
    Is there something we should all be aware of???

    '...can't sleep, node reaper will eat me'
    :o)~ Zo.
Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by turnstep (Parson) on Feb 17, 2001 at 00:36 UTC
    I dunno...I read this as the best way to get in touch with vroom. In which case, /msg definitely wins, since he has not given out his cell phone or pager number. Stop holding out vroom! - what if somemonk needs to reach you at 2AM and their web connectin is down? :)

      heh, I thought I was the only one who read it like that :-)

      I suppose it's that "Perl Slogan" thing again ...


Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by mirod (Canon) on Feb 16, 2001 at 23:46 UTC

    Email, /msg, whatever, all my emails are redirected to the ChatterBox anyway...

Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by tune (Curate) on Feb 17, 2001 at 00:22 UTC
    You have forgot instant messaging. (ICQ, AIM, dont name the others).

    -- tune

Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by batmonk (Scribe) on Feb 17, 2001 at 09:35 UTC
    Atomic Batteries to Power,
    Turbines to Speed,
Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by ailie (Friar) on Feb 21, 2001 at 08:47 UTC

    Get in touch with me? Now why would you want to do something like that?

    Email is probably the best, although what I'd really like is my own owl, just like in Harry Potter.

Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by mikfire (Deacon) on Feb 17, 2001 at 01:02 UTC
    All right. Who is in charge around here? This is the second poll without a CowboyNeal option. I felt cheated before, now I am wondering if there isn't a coverup or conspiracy.


Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by error27 (Novice) on Feb 21, 2001 at 09:36 UTC

    The best way to get in touch with me is to talk to me face to face.

    Generally, when someone is trying to get in touch with me it's bad news.

    I've come to hate my phone. And I get a lot of email but I've started only reading it every couple days. I try to only talk to people face to face and only people I meet by chance, not people who are looking for me.

Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by PsychoSpunk (Hermit) on Feb 17, 2001 at 03:36 UTC
    I said cell. But it is probably better phrased: Best way for me to allow you to get a response. :)

    It's not that I answer my cell every time it rings, but that I send email as a means of real communication (tendency to have 2-3 pages vs a short 5 liner) so if it's not extremely important, I probably won't respond. /msg can be looked at and summarily ignored. I don't have a pager, I don't understand what the carrier pigeons are trying to say, I make smoke signals that end up being gibberish, and I'm not cool enough to have my own bat signal.

    I would have said other, but then it dawned on me, I'm not telepathic either. :(


Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by malaga (Pilgrim) on Feb 17, 2001 at 07:41 UTC
    call me on my TELEphone. and leave a vm. and i will call you when i'm ready to. or email me, and if it's important my isp, interland, will be sure to have the uid on my mailbox disappear that day, so that i will never get it. especially if it's about a job. i will never get it. i hate cellphones because i can hear a buzz in my head when i use them. pagers are ok, but nothing is THAT important. carrier pigeons are probably the cutest option.
(redmist) Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by redmist (Deacon) on Feb 20, 2001 at 23:08 UTC

    What I really want is a cell phone that can handle email and a pager. That way, when I get an email at home, I can have my machine at home email my cell phone, call me, and beep me. Just for the hell of it, you know.

    Silicon Cowboy
Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by el-moe (Scribe) on Feb 17, 2001 at 01:21 UTC
    My cell phone is very convenient for me. I can get email there. I can make a call anytime I need to. No more stopping at pay phones ( do they still exist?).

    If it rings and I don't feel like answering, I don't. It's simple to press 'end' and put the call through to voice mail. I think of it as my "Personal Communication Device".


Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by captain_r (Initiate) on Feb 25, 2001 at 16:42 UTC
    The A-Team never used pagers or cell phones when being contacted by their customers, why should I?
Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by Malkavian (Friar) on Feb 19, 2001 at 20:10 UTC
    Has to be Email for me.
    I have a cellphone, but only really have it in case the car breaks down (so I don't have to walk miles through rain to call the recovery service). Sometimes I even leave it switched on when I'm on call, though it's switched off once I leave call.
    Most of the time, I have it turned off and redirecting to my land phone.
    My land phone, I screen, as most of the time, I'm too busy doing other things to take the call there and then. When I'm busy, I'm usually online on my PC.
    Being online, I check my mail frequently. :)
    Smoke signals would only set the fire alarm off, which would make me irate.
    A carrier pigeon would certainly make a nice meal afterwards, tho I hate the plucking part.. Takes too much time...
    Telepathy would rock, but then, how do you tell telepathy from the 'voices in your head'??
    So, plain old email wins the day. :)

Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by Maclir (Curate) on Feb 20, 2001 at 03:20 UTC
    brrrt brrrt
    brrrt brrrt
    brrrt brrrt
    "Hello. This is Maclir's refrigerator speaking. I am not a proper answering machine, but if you speak really slowly, I will write your message down and stick it to myself with one of those cute little magnets. I have the pen in my hand now . . ."
      brrrt brrrt
      brrrt brrrt
      brrrt brrrt

      "Hi. This is McD's microwave - his answering machine ran off with the 'fridge this morning. Um, if you want to leave a message, wait for the beep. Oh, and hey, if you need anything heated up, just hold it up to the earpiece."



Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by BrotherAde (Pilgrim) on Feb 21, 2001 at 15:30 UTC
    Smoke signals being "Hey Ade, got time for a smoke?"
Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by IndyZ (Friar) on Feb 17, 2001 at 08:53 UTC
    E-mail page me. But not like Bill, the incompetent new guy. I just got a ten thousand character page, because he wanted me to check out a problem in the dial-up test box, and thought it would be prudent to attach the logs. Ouch. And the company won't begin paying for this thing until April (no retroactive payment either). Double ouch.


Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by LD2 (Curate) on Feb 17, 2001 at 09:21 UTC

    I'd say e-mail is probably the best way to get in contact with me. One of these days i'll join in and get a radiation spreading cell phone...but until then.. e-mail or msg me in CB.

Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by joee (Beadle) on Feb 17, 2001 at 09:40 UTC
    Smoke signals rule!
    It is cheaper than cell phones or text pagers.

    Someday when I get a real job and can afford it then you can fax me, page me or call me and give my ego a boost.

Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by mt2k (Hermit) on Feb 19, 2001 at 02:51 UTC
    Carrier pigeons for me...
    They have eyes like a hawk, so they can find you quite easily.
    Plus, they peck at you until you read the message... :-)
Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by mr.nick (Chaplain) on Feb 20, 2001 at 20:11 UTC
Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by radagast (Sexton) on Feb 22, 2001 at 18:29 UTC
    Definitely carrier pigeon. If you want to receive a message no earlier 10 hours after it was supposed to arrive, especially from those instant messenger pixies that disturb your work, there is no better piece of mind than pigeons. Ideally, dodo would be my preferred mode of fact, I'll make it a write in a vote. :)
Yell really loud!
by orkysoft (Friar) on Feb 18, 2001 at 02:04 UTC

    Dats wut real orkz doez ennyway. But I iknoorz vois messujiz from trollz anyweey.

Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by dmckee (Scribe) on Feb 24, 2001 at 02:42 UTC
    Webbased email saves my life! I can access all my msgs at work, school, home and elsewhere. What's more, I can keep my email the same all the time...
Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by Anonymous Monk on Feb 24, 2001 at 13:17 UTC
    Er, maybe if you paged me on FluffMUCK...
Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by planetscape (Chancellor) on Oct 13, 2010 at 01:43 UTC

    Human sacrifice.


Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by chacham (Prior) on Oct 27, 2014 at 13:46 UTC

    Nowadays, i think Google Voice is the best way to get in touch with me. I have it set to ring my cell phone, office phone, google talk, and it emails me a transcription of any messages left. So, even if they're unintelligible, at least i'll get the email.

    I've missed calls on my phone all too many times because i never checked it. But i'll see the email as i'm near a computer a great deal of time.

      Or travel back in time and create a poll. It seems like you're working your way back through them all ;)

        Yep, i started from the beginning and just hit this one. :)

        Old polls are not re-posted and the polling stations are never closed. The conversations are not only a link to the recent past, they are also quite good. And, with the list of a few hundred polls here, they're definitely worth the read.

Re: Best way to get in touch with me
by Anonymous Monk on Oct 11, 2010 at 20:25 UTC
    just call me by name n smile Antonello //Roma, a different man

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