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RFC: PDL Cheat Sheet

by lin0 (Curate)
on Jan 03, 2007 at 10:35 UTC ( [id://592733]=perlmeditation: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Greetings Fellow Monks,

Motivated by BrowserUk reply to a node on PDL references and inspired by the Perl cheat sheet, I decided to put together this Perl Data Language (PDL) cheat sheet.

PDL 2.4.3 cheat sheet v2 by Lino Ramirez, Lino.M.Ramirez at NOTE: Piddles are stored in (column, row) order STARTING & QUITTING THE SHELL GETTING HELP perldl exit quit help 'func' ? 'func' apropos 'func' ?? 'func' SHELL CONFIGURATION FILES sig 'func' $HOME/.perldlrc usage 'func' PDL/default.perldlrc demo local.perldlrc USING AUTOLOADER WRITING PERL SCRIPTS use PDL::AutoLoader; use PDL; # environment variable PDLLIB defines # the search path for AUTOLOADER module CREATING PIDDLES new pdl topdl TYPE CONVERSIONS null zeroes ones ushort float long convert identity random grandom byte double short randsym sequence xvals yvals zvals FILE I/O xlinvals ylinvals zlinvals fits wfits rcols wcols rcube rvals axisvals allaxisvals rpic wpic rim wim rgrep OPERATORS COPYING PIDDLES + - * / ** > < $pnew = pdl( $pold ); >= <= == != << >> & $pnew = $pold->copy; | ^ += -= *= /= %= **= >>= <<= &= |= ^= EXTRACTING INFORMATION <=> ! % ++ -- slice dice dice_axis diagonal ADDITIONAL OPERATORS LOCATING INFORMATION .= assignation index index2d indexND where x matrix multiplication which whichND which_both GETTING PIDDLES' PROPERTIES MODIFYING PIDDLES ? vars PDL->px info list listindices one2nd dims getdim getndim set clip rotate xchg howbig nelem at reshape mv reorder dummy transpose clump splitdim COMBINING PIDDLES append glue cat dog ELEMENTARY MATH FUNCTIONS abs acos acosh asin asinh VECTOR FUNCTIONS atan atan2 atanh cos cosh inner outer uniq sin sinh tan tanh sqrt in setops norm ceil floor rint exp log log10 DATA ANALYSIS SPECIALIZED MATH FUNCTIONS stats statsover qsort bessj0 bessjn bessy0 bessyn sum sumover cumusumover erf erfc erfi intover max maximum maximum_ind lags lgamma pcoef simplex avg average qsorti fibonacci min minimum minimum_ind minmax minmaximum median DATA INTERPOLATION medover oddmedian oddmedover fitgauss1d fitgauss1dr fitpoly1d prod prodover cumuprodover interpol interpolate ninterpol hist histogram histogram2d interpND lmfit and and2 andover polfit pvalue polycoef or or2 orover polyfit polyvalue MATRIX OPERATIONS IMAGE PROCESSING inv matinv eigens_sym eigens cquant rgbtogr rot2d med2d conv2d svd eigsys determinant det simq warp2d rebin convolveND TWO-DIMENSIONAL PLOTTING THREE-DIMENSIONAL PLOTTING use PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT; use PDL::Graphics::TriD; dev env line points errb bin imag3d imag3d_ns imagrgb points3d cont ctab vect poly imag line3d lattice3d mesh3d grabpic3d circle ellipse rectangle text keeptwiddling3d nokeeptwiddlin3d legend draw_wedge release hold twiddle3d hold3d release3d FOURIER TRANSFORM FUNCTIONS COMPLEX NUMBERS FUNCTIONS use PDL::FFT; Cabs Carg Cp2r Cr2p i2C r2C fft fftnd realfft realifft ifft ifftnd cdiv cmul MISCELANEOUS FUNCTIONS kernctr fftconvolve inplace trace thread band bandover bitnot bor borover PDL MODULE DEPENDENCIES all any isempty zcheck Perl 5.6.1+ (5.8.x recommended) ExtUtils::MakeMaker (latest version) LINKS C-compiler Fortran compiler PGPLOT libraries & C-binding (PGPLOT) OpenGL or Mesa (TriD) netpbm package (PDL::IO::Pic)

As always, any comment will be welcome




  1. Added the references suggested by zentara
  2. Added FFT references and shuffled things around to make them fit

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: RFC: PDL Cheat Sheet
by zentara (Cardinal) on Jan 03, 2007 at 13:50 UTC
    Here is an interesting tidbit for people just learning. You always want to print your piddles to see what you are doing wrong, but PDL has a limit set of 30000 elements, and if your piddles exceed that, you get the dreaded 'TOO LONG TO PRINT' error message. Fortunately the PDL modules have easy-to-override subs, so you can use this module to print any size piddle.

    Include this somewhere in your PERL5LIB, and

    use pdldump;

    # file package PDL::Core; my $max_elem = 10000000; # set your max here sub PDL::Core::string { my ( $self, $format ) = @_; if ( $PDL::_STRINGIZING ) { return "ALREADY_STRINGIZING_NO_LOOPS"; } local $PDL::_STRINGIZING = 1; my $ndims = $self->getndims; if ( $self->nelem > $max_elem ) { return "TOO LONG TO PRINT"; } if ( $ndims == 0 ) { if ( $self->badflag() and $self->isbad() ) { return "BAD"; } else { my @x = $self->at(); return ( $format ? sprintf( $format, $x[ 0 ] ) : "$x[0]" ); } } return "Null" if $self->isnull; return "Empty" if $self->isempty; # Empty piddle local $PDL::Core::sep = $PDL::use_commas ? "," : " "; local $PDL::Core::sep2 = $PDL::use_commas ? "," : ""; if ( $ndims == 1 ) { return PDL::Core::str1D( $self, $format ); } else { return PDL::Core::strND( $self, $format, 0 ); } } 1;

    I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth. Cogito ergo sum a bum
Re: RFC: PDL Cheat Sheet
by BrowserUk (Patriarch) on Jan 03, 2007 at 11:49 UTC

    This looks (after a minimal and superficial scan) extremely useful. Many thanks for producing this.

    PDL is one of those modules that I have had several half hearted attempts at getting to grips with. A lack of a real need to do so, and many other interesting problems with which to occupy my mind that have less steep learning curves or more immediate satisfaction criteria mean that I have yet to make any real in roads to its possibilities.

    This may just reduce the gradient of the learning curve, or facilitate such, that I actually use it to solve or progress one of the many stalled projects sitting on my back boiler.

    Examine what is said, not who speaks -- Silence betokens consent -- Love the truth but pardon error.
    "Science is about questioning the status quo. Questioning authority".
    In the absence of evidence, opinion is indistinguishable from prejudice.

      Hi BrowserUk

      I am glad you think you can use this "cheat sheet" :-)

      I completely agree with you in that PDL has a steep learning curve. This is why, I am preparing a set of tutorials to help people getting started with it. So, please, keep an eye open that more tutorials are forthcoming :-)



        You know, looking back at some of my attempts at using PDL, a simple tie interface wrapper that allows you to treat piddles as normal arrays would greatly reduce the gradient?

        I realise that it probably wouldn't be as efficient, but it might allow an easier start and once you get stuff going, it should be fairly 'algorithmic' to convert it back to native calls to squeeze out that last ounze of performance.

        Anyway, I'll keep my eyes open for the tutorials. Thanks again.

        Examine what is said, not who speaks -- Silence betokens consent -- Love the truth but pardon error.
        "Science is about questioning the status quo. Questioning authority".
        In the absence of evidence, opinion is indistinguishable from prejudice.
Re: RFC: PDL Cheat Sheet
by zentara (Cardinal) on Jan 03, 2007 at 13:53 UTC
    One other comment pertaining to the cheetsheet, maybe you should at least mention the ~.perldlrc file and the ~/PDLLIB directory.

    I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth. Cogito ergo sum a bum

      Hi zentara,

      Thank you very much for your comments. I just updated the sheet to include your suggestions. Below is a sample 'perldlrc' file for those interested



      # $HOME/.perldlrc # # startup file for perldl shell # # This file must be placed in your home directory. # perldl will look for it during start-up to load # default modules, set shell variables, etc. # If this file is not present, perldl will look for # PDL/default.perldlrc. # The advantage of using .perldlrc, is that you can # choose which modules to load by default # # Note: local defaults can be set using a file named # local.perldlrc # # For more information, please, have a look at: # # # Commands from the default startup for perldl shell. use PDL; use PDL::Dbg; # Enable useful commands # PDL waffle options (and pacify -w) BEGIN{ $PDL::debug = $PDL::debug = 0; $PDL::verbose = $PDL::verbose = 1; } use PDL::Doc::Perldl; # online docs module # # Some modules to load by default. # Feel free to add or delete modules from the list # use PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT; ## use 2D plotting package use PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT::Window; use PDL::Graphics::TriD; ## use 3D plotting package use PDL::Image2D; # # Loading the AutoLoader module that implements a MatLab # style AutoLoader for PDL. If a unknown function 'func()' # is called then a file 'func.pdl' is searched for and if # found is read in to define 'func()' which is then executed. # The environment variable PDLLIB defines the search path # used when looking for the file 'func.pdl' # e.g. in bash: # export PDLLIB=/home/lmr/pdllib:/local/pdllib # in csh: # setenv PDLLIB "/home/lmr/pdllib:/local/pdllib" # use PDL::AutoLoader; $PDL::AutoLoader::Rescan = 1; # Rescan .pdl files each time a prompt +goes out # # Set up perldl shell special variables # $PERLDL::MULTI = 1; # Accept multi-line perl blocks $PERLDL::NO_EOF = 1; # Prevent from accidentally exiting perldl by ty +ping ^D # # Greeting... # print "\nWelcome back!\n"; print "\nType 'help' or '?' for basic help.\n"; 1; # Successful completion
Re: RFC: PDL Cheat Sheet
by toma (Vicar) on Jan 04, 2007 at 06:34 UTC
    The cheat sheet looks great!

    It includes all the PDL functions that I have used except for PDL::FFTW.

    I evaluated PDL for audio signal processing, but ended up using C++ to create real-time low-latency audio applications using the Jack Audio Connection Kit.

    It should work perfectly the first time! - toma

      Hi toma,

      Thank you very much for your comments. I will add some of the functions of PDL::FFTW in a day or two. Do you know about other functions that should be in the cheat sheet?

      I am trying to prioritize the information to include, in the cheat sheet, only information that people need to know and information that people should know. I am doing that to have a cheat sheet that is both useful and concise.



      Hi toma,

      I decided to include, first, functions from the PDL::FFT. I will include functions from PDL::FFTW as soon as I can make up my mind of other set of functions I could add to keep the formating of the cheat sheet.


        I will include functions from PDL::FFTW ...

        PDL::FFTW only works with an outdated version of the FFTW library. If someone intelligent (that's my escape clause) likes to rewrite PDL::FFTW so that it works with the latest version of the FFTW library, that would be a most welcome improvement to PDL. (This has been on the PDL 'todo' list for quite some time.)

        Btw, ++ to you, lin0 for what you've provided in this thread.


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