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Win32::OLE VBA to Perl Translation Question about Internet Explorerby sailortailorson (Scribe) |
on Jan 16, 2007 at 19:32 UTC ( [id://594964]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
sailortailorson has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
For various reasons, I am trying to use Perl to drive Internet Explorer as a user agent for testing a webserver. I am using this in apposition (note: apposition, not opposition) to LWP::UserAgent for several reasons. I am trying to build up a toolkit of overlapping technologies.
It has been suggested to me that this might be a good thing to do if there is a lot of Javascript involved (and there is), moreover I am finding that driving IE this way has gotten me around whatever problems are slowing me down in LWP::UserAgent. Sure, I should learn how to use LWP::UserAgent better, but this is a tactical situation. Microsoft describes their interface for a method called Navigate: I have used this joyfully so far, but only with the first param, which is the URL. So, now I now need to use the PostData and Headers, and am having only sorrow in using anything beyond the first param. I thought it might have been some kind of lost-in-translation from VBA to Perl. I looked at perldoc Win32::OLE which says: The program below illustrates my problem. When I try to use the first method, I believe I am passing everything as a GET. This does work, and takes me to the socks search results to dwell there 5 seconds. The other two instances seem like they should work too, one via positional parameters and the other via named parameter, for 5 seconds each. Alas, they take me to our 404 handling page, where a pained-looking woman expresses her displeasure at my attempt.
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