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Re: RFC:A brief tutorial on Perl's native sorting facilities.

by hawtin (Prior)
on Feb 06, 2007 at 10:20 UTC ( [id://598508]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to RFC:A brief tutorial on Perl's native sorting facilities.

When I am doing things with sort I have a standard routine (which I call lexically) that attempts to implement a more natural sort order.

Because of the scoping of $a and $b I have never made this into a module but normally just copy it into the script

foreach my $foo (sort lexically @list) { ... } ... sub lexically { # This routine gives us a sort order that more closely matches # what a naive use would expect (ie "9-z" comes before "10-a") # The simple implementation style makes the code easier # to follow my($a_,$b_) = @_; # If we are called by sort the old @_ gets left around # attempt to detect this and grab values from $a and $b if(!defined($a_) || !defined($b_) || ref($a_) || ref($b_) || $#_ != 1) { $a_ = $a; $b_ = $b; } return 0 if($a_ eq "" && $b_ eq ""); return -1 if($a_ eq ""); return 1 if($b_ eq ""); my($a_1,$a_t,$a_2,$b_1,$b_t,$b_2); if($a_ =~ /^(\d+)/) { $a_t = 0; $a_1 = $1; $a_2 = $'; } elsif($a_ =~ /^(\D+)/) { $a_t = 1; $a_1 = $1; $a_2 = $'; } if($b_ =~ /^(\d+)/) { $b_t = 0; $b_1 = $1; $b_2 = $'; } elsif($b_ =~ /^(\D+)/) { $b_t = 1; $b_1 = $1; $b_2 = $'; } if($a_t == 0 && $b_t == 0) { # Both start with a numeric value return lexically($a_2,$b_2) if($a_1 == $b_1); return $a_1 <=> $b_1; } if($a_t == 1 && $b_t == 1) { # Both start with text, fold everything to # lower case (so "A" is the same as "a" # which is what I want, YMMV) my $r = lc($a_1) cmp lc($b_1); return lexically($a_2,$b_2) if($r == 0); return $r; } return -1 if($a_t == 0); return 1; }

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Re^2: RFC:A brief tutorial on Perl's native sorting facilities.
by xdg (Monsignor) on Feb 06, 2007 at 12:26 UTC
    I have never made this into a module but normally just copy it into the script

    Your post was a great addition to the sorting tutorial. So it pains me to point out Sort::Naturally


    Code written by xdg and posted on PerlMonks is public domain. It is provided as is with no warranties, express or implied, of any kind. Posted code may not have been tested. Use of posted code is at your own risk.

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