in reply to regexp: least inclusive match?

If the marker is a plain string (as in the example, without regex specials), substr and rindex ought to do the job:

my $idx = rindex($text, "Tags"); if ($idx > -1) { substr($text, $idx) = ''; }

Otherwise you could for instance take advantage of * being greedy from the start:

$text =~ s/(.*)Tags.*/$1/s;

print "Just another Perl ${\(trickster and hacker)},"
The Sidhekin proves Sidhe did it!

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Re^2: regexp: least inclusive match?
by varian (Chaplain) on Mar 03, 2007 at 11:03 UTC
    Sidhekin is right, with a minor change the regex will work.

    This is because principle 0 of regex says

    Principle 0: Taken as a whole, any regexp will be matched at the earliest possible position in the string
    So while your '.+?' dictates a preference for the smallest amount of characters to match, in the end this preference is overruled.