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Re: Is Programming Perl still relevant as a reference book?

by j3 (Friar)
on Mar 03, 2007 at 06:38 UTC ( [id://603040]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Is Programming Perl still relevant as a reference book?

You know how some books give you what you need, but it's like pulling teeth?

I've got this nasty habit I sometimes do while reading: when I get caught in clumsy writing, I tend to try and ``read'' the passage as I wish the author had written it. This happens very rarely for me with the online perldocs. It probably happens even less in the 3rd edition of Programming Perl (the only one I have).

So, I guess you can take that for whatever it's worth. :)

One other tidbit of metadata: it's interesting to note that many monks seem to have multiple editions of the Camel book (keeping older ones as they upgrade).

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Re^2: Is Programming Perl still relevant as a reference book?
by chromatic (Archbishop) on Mar 04, 2007 at 05:31 UTC

    I do that too... it's very frustrating to read a published work and think "Wow, if I were the editor I could have fixed all of this."

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