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Re: Perl Development Environment - Revisited

by SparkeyG (Curate)
on Mar 14, 2007 at 12:30 UTC ( [id://604797]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Perl Development Environment - Revisited

To throw in my two cents. I've been using Eclipse w/ EPIC for over a year now. For my project work, it works best for me. Allows me to switch between any number of files in the project. I've also installed the Clearcase plugin and the SQL explorer plugin. I still use gvim for non-project/one off things. But the moment it will be used more than once, over to Eclipse I go.
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Re^2: Perl Development Environment - Revisited
by mercutio_viz (Scribe) on Mar 15, 2007 at 04:36 UTC

    ...Allows me to switch between any number of files in the project. I've also installed the Clearcase plugin and the SQL explorer plugin.

    Ditto. I like the freedom, flexibility, and convenience of doing all sorts editing/browsing/previewing with just one tool.

    I still use gvim for non-project/one off things.

    Agreed. You don't use a forklift when a pickup truck will do!

    One of the things I love about Perl is that it is wonderful for quick-and-dirty hacks. In 5 or 10 minutes one can whip up a powerful ad-hoc script to do major data kung-fu. Before Perl I had to do jump through all sorts of hoops to do the kinds of things that Perl lets me do in a matter of minutes. Even Perl one-liners can be extremely powerful and, more importantly, extremely useful.

    Another thing that I love about Perl is that it can do just about anything, and therefore lends itself to larger projects. For me to manage larger projects I need more than vim or emacs. I'll admit it: I need the GUI. I'm not too lazy to use non-GUI tools - I actually do know how to use the Perl debugger - but I am shamelessly addicted to my visual environment, especially when it comes to stepping through my program one line at a time, watching variable values change, etc. Yes, all can be accomplished with the cmd line debugger - but for me it's all in the presentation. I like to see as much as possible. My best analogy is that sometimes I'd rather look at a graph than at a bunch of raw data. Not always, but frequently.

    Thanks for a lively, flame-free discussion! I appreciate all of the various viewpoints.


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