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Genome UV Mutation Script -- Critique

by c4onastick (Friar)
on Mar 14, 2007 at 21:15 UTC ( [id://604892]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

c4onastick has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Greetings Monks, I've just finished my second (larger) perl project. Since I'm still new to perl I thought I'd post it here to get some feedback to help in my learning (this is my second post).

The problem: I'm working on UV mutations in bacteria in my lab. I was bored with my laptop (dangerous combination) one day so I asked myself, "I wonder how many possible dimerization (mutation) sites are in the bacteria's genome?" A few quick regexes later, I had an answer (quicker than I thought too, since the genome I was analyzing had about 4.7 million base pairs). I decided to take it a step further and see which genes had the highest probability (number of sites) for mutation. This took a little longer (and looks uglier, IMHO).

I'd like you, my fellow monks, to critique my work. How did I do? How can I make it better, more efficient, and cleaner? This is the first thing I've written (and I do realize that there's gotta be some other program out there to do this, but where's the fun in that!) that could be of use to other people, so I'd like to make it as robust as possible. Thanks in advance!

The genomic data that goes in to the script looks like this (I wont post the whole thing, its huge), from PubMed:
And the actual genome (found at the bottom of the file) looks like this:
ORIGIN 1 agagattacg tctggttgca agagatcata acaggggaaa ttgattgaaa ataaa +tatat 61 cgccagcagc acatgaacaa gtttcggaat gtgatcaatt taaaaattta ttgac +ttagg 121 cgggcagata ctttaaccaa tataggaata caagacagac aaataaaaat gacag +agtac 181 acaacatcca tgaaccgcat cagcaccacc accattacca ccatcaccat tacca +caggt ... 4791781 acgcgcgcgc cttttacgcc tgctaaccac tctggaggcg gccgatgacc acaaa +ttaac 4791841 cgactggcta caacagcgaa tcggcctgct gggacagcga gatacggcaa tgttg +caccg 4791901 tttggtccat gatattgaaa aaaaactaac aaaataacgt gttgtaattt ttaaa +ataat 4791961 a //
The script, finds all possible locations for dimerization (mutation) in the genome, finds all possible locations for dimerization (mutation) in each gene and calculates the percentatge chance that a mutation in the genome is in that gene (I built my first hash of hashes for this) then lists the genes (in either straight text for the console or simple html) in descending probability of mutation.
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Std; local $/; our %opts; getopts('hf:', \%opts); die("Usage: -f <file>.gbk\nAdd -h for html output\n") unl +ess $opts{f}; my $file = $opts{f}; my $genome; my $total_mutations; open(FH, $file) or die "File couldn't be opened"; my $contents = <FH>; close(FH); #Extract the entire genome $contents =~ m#ORIGIN(.+?)//#s or die "No genome data found."; $genome = $1; # Remove extraneous characters, make it one big long string to use sub +str position on it $genome =~ s/[\d\s]+//g; # Calculate total possible mutations while( $genome =~ /[ct](?=[ct])/g ) { $total_mutations++; } #print "\nTotal possible mutations (pyramidine dimerizations): $total_ +mutations\n\n"; # Extract all the gene definitions, end at protein translation. my @genes; @genes = $contents =~ m#(?<!/)gene.+?/translation#sg; my %mutant_genes; # Set up output #printf "%-20s%-10s%-25s%-15s%s\n", "Gene", "GeneID", "Possible Mutati +ons", "Probability", "Protein Product"; #print "=" x 85, "\n"; foreach my $gene (@genes) { # filter out complement genes if( $gene =~ m/gene\s+(\d+)\.\.(\d+)/ ) { my $gene_mutations = 0; my $gene_name; my $geneid = "Unknown"; #GeneID for online db my $gene_product = "Unknown"; #Encoded protein my $start = $1; $start--; #increment down for substr my $end = $2; $end--; #increment down for substr my $length = $end - $start; ($gene_name) = $gene =~ m#/gene="([^"]+)"#; unless( defined($gene_name) ) { $gene_name = "Unknown$length"; } my $sub_genome = substr($genome, $start, $length); $gene_mutations = () = $sub_genome =~/[ct](?=[ct])/g; my $probability = $gene_mutations/$total_mutations*100; #Pull out GeneID (if exists) if( $gene =~ m#/db_xref="GeneID:(\d+)"# ) { $geneid = $1; } #Pull out Protein Product, if exists if( $gene =~ m#/product="([^"]+)"# ) { $gene_product = $1; $gene_product =~ s/\n\s*/ /g; #Clear out newlines and inde +ntation } $mutant_genes{$gene_name} = { gene_id => $geneid, prod_pro => $gene_product, gene_mutants => $gene_mutations, mutant_prob => $probability }; #printf "%-20s%-10d%-25d%.5f%% %s\n", $gene_name, $geneid, $ge +ne_mutations, $probability, $gene_product; } } if($opts{h}) { html_out($total_mutations, %mutant_genes) }else{ print "UV Mutation (pyramidine dimerization) Analysis\n"; print "Total possible mutations in genome: $total_mutations\n\n"; print "\nGenes sorted by UV mutation probability:\n", "=" x 65, "\ +n"; foreach (sort by_descending_probability keys %mutant_genes) { printf "%-20s%.5f%% %s\n", $_, $mutant_genes{$_}{mutant_prob +}, $mutant_genes{$_}{prod_pro}; } } sub by_descending_probability { $mutant_genes{$b}{mutant_prob} <=> $mutant_genes{$a}{mutant_prob}; } sub html_out { my $total_muts = shift; print "<html>\n<head>\n<body>\n"; print "<h1>UV Mutant Analysis</h1>\n"; print "<b>Total Possible mutations in Genome: $total_muts </b><br +/>\n"; print "<b>Gene mutations sorted by decending probability of mutati +on</b><br />\n"; print "<table>\n<tr><td>Gene</td><td>Possible Gene Mutations</td>< +td>Mutation Probability (%)</td><td>Gene Product</td></tr>\n"; #my %mutant_genes = shift; #Gives an odd numbered hash assignment +error when prototyped foreach (sort by_descending_probability keys %mutant_genes) { print "<tr><td><a href=\" +ery.fcgi?db=gene&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Graphics&list_uids=$mutant_genes{$ +_}{gene_id}\">$_</a></td><td>$mutant_genes{$_}{gene_mutants}</td><td> +$mutant_genes{$_}{mutant_prob}</td><td>$mutant_genes{$_}{prod_pro}</t +d></tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; print "</body>\n</html>"; }
Other than a prototype error when I prototyped the html_out sub it works great. Thanks again!

UPDATE: Thank you again for all your comments. I've adopted most of your suggestions (separated out the regex analysis into a sub, used a reference for html_out, other little fixes) as well as expand it to analyze the type of dimerization (TT, CT, or CC) since CC and CT dimerizations occur much less frequently than TT dimerizations.
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Number::Format qw(:subs); undef $/; my $num_precision = 5; our %opts; getopts('hf:', \%opts); die("Usage: -f <file>.gbk\nAdd -h for html output\n") unl +ess $opts{f}; my $file = $opts{f}; my $genome; open(FH, '<', $file) or die "File couldn't be opened: $!"; my $contents = <FH>; close(FH); #Extract the entire genome $contents =~ m#ORIGIN(.+?)//#s or die "No genome data found."; $genome = $1; # Remove extraneous characters, make it one big long string to use sub +str position on it $genome =~ s/[\d\r\n\s]+//g; # Calculate total possible mutations my %mutations = find_possible_mutations($genome); # Extract all the gene definitions, end at protein translation. my @genes; @genes = $contents =~ m#(?<!/)gene.+?/translation#sg; my %mutant_genes; # Set up output #printf "%-20s%-10s%-25s%-15s%s\n", "Gene", "GeneID", "Possible Mutati +ons", "Probability", "Protein Product"; #print "=" x 85, "\n"; foreach my $gene (@genes) { # filter out complement genes if( $gene =~ m/gene\s+(\d+)\.\.(\d+)/ ) { my $gene_name; my $geneid = "Unknown"; #GeneID for online db my $gene_product = "Unknown"; #Encoded protein my $start = $1 - 1; #$start--; #increment down for substr my $end = $2 - 1; #$end--; #increment down for substr my $length = $end - $start; ($gene_name) = $gene =~ m#/gene="([^"]+)"#; unless( defined($gene_name) ) { $gene_name = "Unknown$length"; } my $sub_genome = substr($genome, $start, $length); my %gene_mutations = find_possible_mutations($sub_genome); my %probability = ( ptt => format_number($gene_mutations{t +t}/$mutations{tt}*100, $num_precision), pct => format_number($gene_mutations{ct}/$mutation +s{ct}*100, $num_precision), pcc => format_number($gene_mutations{cc}/$mutation +s{cc}*100, $num_precision), ptotal => format_number($gene_mutations{total}/$mu +tations{total}*100, $num_precision) ); #Pull out GeneID (if exists) if( $gene =~ m#/db_xref="GeneID:(\d+)"# ) { $geneid = $1; } #Pull out Protein Product, if exists if( $gene =~ m#/product="([^"]+)"# ) { $gene_product = $1; $gene_product =~ s/\n\s*/ /g; #Clear out newlines and inde +ntation } $mutant_genes{$gene_name} = { gene_id => $geneid, prod_pro => $gene_product, %gene_mutations, %probability }; } } if($opts{h}) { html_out($mutations{total}, \%mutant_genes) }else{ print "UV Mutation (pyramidine dimerization) Analysis\n"; print "Total possible mutations in genome: $mutations{total}\n\n"; print "\nGenes sorted by UV mutation probability:\n", "=" x 65, "\ +n"; foreach (sort by_descending_probability keys %mutant_genes) { printf "%-20s%.5f%% %s\n", $_, $mutant_genes{$_}{ptt}, $muta +nt_genes{$_}{prod_pro}; } } sub by_descending_probability { $mutant_genes{$b}{ptt} <=> $mutant_genes{$a}{ptt}; } sub html_out { my ($total_muts, $mutant_ref) = @_; my %mutant_genes = %{$mutant_ref}; print "<html>\n<head>\n<body>\n"; print "<h1>UV Mutant Analysis</h1>\n"; print "<b>Total Possible mutations in Genome: $total_muts</b><br / +>\n"; print "<b>Gene mutations sorted by decending probability of mutati +on</b><br />\n"; print "<table>\n<tr><td>Gene</td><td>Possible Gene Mutations TT</t +d><td>Possible Gene Mutations CT</td><td>Possible Gene Mutations CC</ +td><td>Mutation Probability TT(%)</td><td>Mutation Probability CT(%)< +/td><td>Mutation Probability CC(%)</td><td>Gene Product</td></tr>\n"; #my %mutant_genes = shift; #Gives an odd numbered hash assignment +error when prototyped foreach (sort by_descending_probability keys %mutant_genes) { print "<tr><td><a href=\" +ery.fcgi?db=gene&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Graphics&list_uids=$mutant_genes{$ +_}{gene_id}\">$_</a></td><td>$mutant_genes{$_}{tt}</td><td>$mutant_ge +nes{$_}{ct}</td><td>$mutant_genes{$_}{cc}</td><td>$mutant_genes{$_}{p +tt}</td><td>$mutant_genes{$_}{pct}</td><td>$mutant_genes{$_}{pcc}</td +><td>$mutant_genes{$_}{prod_pro}</td></tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; print "</body>\n</html>"; } sub find_possible_mutations { my $genome = shift; my %mutations = ( tt => 0, ct => 0, cc => 0, total => 0 ); # Set all values to zero to start incase + no possible sites found. # Find all possible Thymidine dimerizations (most common dimerizat +ion) while( $genome =~ /t(?=t)/g ) { $mutations{tt}++; } # Find all possible heterogeneous dimerization sites (less common) while( $genome =~ /c(?=t)/g ) { $mutations{ct}++; } while( $genome =~ /t(?=c)/g ) { $mutations{ct}++; } # Find all possible Cystine dimerization sites (least common) while( $genome =~ /c(?=c)/g ) { $mutations{cc}++; } # Store the total mutations for later calculations $mutations{total} = $mutations{tt} + $mutations{ct} + $mutations{c +c}; return %mutations; }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Genome UV Mutation Script -- Critique
by kyle (Abbot) on Mar 14, 2007 at 21:39 UTC

    local $/;

    You have this at the top level. I think it's more clear to say undef $/;. The form using local is good if you're doing this inside a block and don't want to meddle with the value outside your block.

    open(FH, $file) or die "File couldn't be opened";

    I'd say:

    open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Can't read $file: $!";

    The three argument open saves you from some odd cases, and the error message including the filename and $! tells you a lot more about what failed and why.

    my $start = $1; $start--; #increment down for substr my $end = $2; $end--; #increment down for substr

    I'd move those lines up to immediately after the pattern match and keep them there. If you add some intervening code later that uses a pattern match, these won't work. Also, these expressions might be clearer as, for example, my $start = $1 - 1 instead of the separate decrement.

    Your html_out would be better off accepting a hash reference instead of trying to stuff the whole hash in as arguments. You'd call it as html_out($total_mutations, \%mutant_genes) (note the backslash), and it would take its arguments like so:

    sub html_out { my ( $total_muts, $mutant_genes_ref ) = @_; my %mutant_genes = %{$mutant_genes_ref}; # ...etc... }

    The rest of the code wouldn't change. I don't think it's a big deal in this case since %mutant_genes is global anyway (by_descending_probability is already using it). Have a look at reftut for more about references.

    On the plus side, I found it pretty readable (though I ignored the big hunks of HTML), and the comments are good.

Re: Genome UV Mutation Script -- Critique
by lima1 (Curate) on Mar 14, 2007 at 22:22 UTC
    You should really take a look at Bioperl. It ships with a Genbank parser. Would be something like
    my $seq_io = Bio::SeqIO->new( -file => $file, format => 'genbank'); my $whole_genome = $seq_io->next_seq;
    See perldoc Bio::SeqIO.

    This parser is quite robust...Which is important as you will notice when you screen many different species ;)

        thats not really an issue with this small prokaryotic genomes.

        Update: i was curious and tried this with Bioperl. It is indeed MUCH slower. Thanks for the hint.

Re: Genome UV Mutation Script -- Critique
by jdporter (Paladin) on Mar 14, 2007 at 21:45 UTC

    Looks fine. One thing that jumps out at me is that your regex for counting locations, /[ct](?=[ct])/g, is duplicated, and at the same time is being used two different ways. I'd probably stick that in a subroutine and call it in both places. Perhaps something like

    sub count_possible_mutation_locations(\$) { my $sr = shift; scalar( () = $$sr =~ /[ct](?=[ct])/g ) }
    A word spoken in Mind will reach its own level, in the objective world, by its own weight

      Why use a prototype here? And why take a reference to the string?

      sub count_possible_mutation_locations { return scalar ( () = $_[0] =~ /[ct](?=[ct])/g ); }

        Oh, no particular reason to in this case. Sometimes I like to do this to get a little bit of typesafety.

Re: Genome UV Mutation Script -- Critique
by jwkrahn (Abbot) on Mar 14, 2007 at 22:06 UTC
    # Remove extraneous characters, make it one big long string to use sub +str position on it $genome =~ s/[\d\r\n\s]+//g;
    The \s character class includes the characters \r and \n so including them is superfluous. If you want efficiency then use tr/// instead of s///:
    # Remove extraneous characters, make it one big long string to use sub +str position on it $genome =~ tr/0-9 \t\f\n\r//d;
Re: Genome UV Mutation Script -- Critique
by Anno (Deacon) on Mar 14, 2007 at 22:28 UTC
    It would have been nice if you had added [readmore] tags around your rather massive code.

    The code looks okay to me. There's nothing, stylistically or logically, that sticks out as bad. (Okay, the die message after open should mention the file name and the error message. File slurping should be a local action.) I also found the code over-commented in places, but that's a matter of taste. However, it could probably make better use of existing modules.

    There appears to be a substantial library of genetics-oriented modules on CPAN. I'd look there for useful parts. A module that parses genome/gene information in the PubMed format doesn't seem to be out of the question.

    HTML generation is another thing. You could probably use a HTML template, but even plain simplifies HTML generation.

    The table you're printing as text output could be nicely done by Text::Table. That would save you the sprintf formats you are using for the table header and content, and their maintenance.

    File::Slurp would make file slurping a local action without effect on the rest of the script.


Re: Genome UV Mutation Script -- Critique
by c4onastick (Friar) on Mar 15, 2007 at 03:24 UTC
    Thank you all for your input. Although I didn't check CPAN before I started writing this, I'm not surprised that someone else has solved this problem before. I don't get enough opportunities at work to flex my perl muscles and thought this would be a great learning experience (as it has been). I will look into references, I definitely didn't understand them the first time through Larry's Programming Perl, and it seems from your comments, that they warrant a second look. Thanks again! I really appreciate everyone's input!

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