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Re^2: RFR: Inside-out classes - a Class::InsideOut primer

by j3 (Friar)
on Mar 16, 2007 at 21:14 UTC ( [id://605223]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: RFR: Inside-out classes - a Class::InsideOut primer
in thread RFR: Inside-out classes - a Class::InsideOut primer

With some editing and clarifications from feedback here and elsewhere in the thread, it will probably be something I'm happy to either link to in the Class::InsideOut documentation or possibly even add as Class::InsideOut::Tutorial.

In Class::InsideOut::Manual::About, it says,

All other implementation details, including constructors, initializers and class inheritance management are left to the user

This suggests to me that maybe a Class::InsideOut::Manual::BestPractices would be helpful. After all, most prospective users of C::IO are probably familiar with using classic hashref-based classes, and it's easy to just stick with what you know ... unless there's there's some easy-to-follow guidelines that say, ``Look, if you just need to write some simple classes with some inheritance, your best bet might be to use modules X, Y, Z, and do it like so.''.

By the way, for double-word score, include some references to relevant chapters and sections in Damian's PBP (detailing where C::IO BP differ from PBP being the most important, IMO).

IMO, a doc like that would make it a no-brainer to start off your InsideOut-OOP life with C::IO.

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