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Re^2: Perl Golf Challenge.

by Fletch (Bishop)
on Mar 26, 2007 at 19:19 UTC ( [id://606642]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Perl Golf Challenge.
in thread Perl Golf Challenge.

Now now, you shouldn't let this guy's unreasonable expectations become a wedge issue. I mean he just wants to join the club of social networking site owners. Then again given the average person's ignorance about programming I guess that's par for the course. Who knows, someone puttering around in their garage may have already written HTML::MySpaceYouTubeClone and just not gotten around to uploading it to CPAN. Or they have but don't want anyone to pin it on them and they get blamed for the hole thing.

OK I'll stop now.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^3: Perl Golf Challenge.
by j3 (Friar) on Mar 26, 2007 at 19:52 UTC
    Fletch, I think the idea is, first you try to add the myspace features. If you fail, you get a mulligan and then can try for the youtube features.
Re^3: Perl Golf Challenge.
by f00li5h (Chaplain) on Mar 28, 2007 at 05:30 UTC

    I mean he just wants to join the club of social networking site owners.

    Perhaps we need a social networking site for people that run social networking sites?

    * f00li5h scurries off to register

    @_=qw; ask f00li5h to appear and remain for a moment of pretend better than a lifetime;;s;;@_[map hex,split'',B204316D8C2A4516DE];;y/05/os/&print;

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