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Moose is turning 1 yr old.

by stvn (Monsignor)
on Apr 03, 2007 at 20:16 UTC ( [id://608144]=perlnews: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

About a year ago I released the first version of Moose to CPAN, and since then we have used it extensively in a number of projects. And now with 3 apps which have been in production for between 6 and 9 months without issue, and positive reports from several other developers who have had similar experiences, I am happy to announce that Moose is pretty much ready for general use (i.e. - not scary anymore).

Huh, what,.. Moose??,.. what are you talking about??

For those who don't know, Moose is a complete modern object framework for Perl based on the work done by myself and others in the Pugs and Perl 6 projects. It does not claim to be Perl 6, but instead brings a Perl 6 like object system to Perl 5. This means it is built from the ground up to play nicely with existing Perl 5 objects and object systems.

So where can I get more information?

Well, lots of places actually. A good place to start is the Moose::Cookbook. Additional resources can be found from here as well.

There is also an ever growing set of MooseX:: plugins being developed to extend and enhance Moose (some are still under development here, but soon to be released).

I am also going to be giving a talk at the upcoming Perl NY Seminar on April 17th (I will post more details on this later), and (if they get accepted) hopefully at least one talk at this years YAPC::EU.

Does this mean 1.0 is coming out soon?

Nah, I decided 1.0 was just a number, and a silly one at that. The latest stable (0.18) should be thought of as "1.0" in spirit, just not in name.


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Re: Moose is turning 1 yr old.
by neniro (Priest) on Apr 04, 2007 at 09:21 UTC
    Moose prevented me from turning to ruby. I think it's a really great improvement for OOP in Perl.
Re: Moose is turning 1 yr old.
by j3 (Friar) on Apr 04, 2007 at 14:49 UTC

    Wow. This looks quite cool. I've been using hashref-based objects 'til now, but recently have been trying to carve out some time to try out Class::InsideOut -- especially after seeing the primer by radiantmatrix ... and because xdg is behind C::IO.

    But, like many, since I plan on switching to Perl 6 anyway, seems like gearing up with Moose *now* might make the transition to P6 even smoother.

    Anyone have any comments on C::IO vs. Moose?

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