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Functional Perl as Scheme and functional XML parsing

by Anonymous Monk
on Feb 27, 2001 at 03:17 UTC ( [id://60971]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Functional take 2
in thread Why I like functional programming

Hello! Perhaps the following page will offer a shorter introduction into a functional programming in Perl.

The page shows off the fixpoint combinator, the fold combinator, closures, higher-order functions, and implementations of a a few algorithms on lists. It's noteworthy how easy it was to translate these algorithms from Scheme to Perl. Even the location of parentheses is sometimes similar to that in Scheme notation. The page finishes with examples of improper and circular lists.

As to parsing of XML in a pure functional style, a SSAX parser may serve as an example:

The parser fully supports XML namespaces, character and parsed entities, xml:space, CDATA sections, nested entities, attribute value normalization, etc. The parser offers support for XML validation, to a full or a partial degree. It does not use assignments at all. It could be used to parse HTML too.

edited: Fri Jan 31 15:23:34 2003 by jeffa - linkafied those URL's

  • Comment on Functional Perl as Scheme and functional XML parsing

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